
Will there be more skeletons in Sarah Palin's closet?

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So far... 17 yo daughter pregnant by self proclaimed 18 yo red neck who doesn't want children and a probe into her abuse of power firing a state employee for not firing her sister's ex-husband who beat her sister. Also, rumors that she used to be involved with a group who supports Alaska's succeeding from the union.




  1. if this many have come out this soon, should be verrrrry interesting closer to election, huh?

    OBAMA IN 08 !!!!!!!

  2. Are you from rochester?

  3. I don't know about her closet, but I wouldn't be surprised if the skeleton of the kid who knocked up her daughter turns up under her rose bushes in a few months.  

  4. Oh brother. Here we go. Did Sarah Palin do her job as governer...yes, she did. She did a great job. Why does it matter about her daughter? All children mess up, it's a part of growing up. That doesn't make Palin a bad leader. If anything, it makes her more compassionate to the human race.

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