
Will there be peace in the middle east????

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what do u think?? or more wars??? haven´t people had enough???




  1. NO!

    Hasnt been much  for 5000 years..

  2. Is there really "peace" anywhere in the world? No, so no.  There will always be tension even with the best treaty.  Look at the Southern US we're still resentful about the Civil War.  What we define as "peace" is not perfect by any means.  Its more like "agree to disagree".

  3. Yes, when all the oil in their lands have been exported.

  4. No.

  5. There will be peace in the valley some day.

  6. That's a big LOL.

  7. Only after they have economic prosperity.

    It is all the dirt poor countries that fight and cause problems, when they get a taste of capitalism and satellite TV, Air Conditioning, then they will fight less.

  8. who knows, at the end of the day it's there choice, remember they have been going at it for thousands of years.

  9. peace pr pieces, LOL, then it there would be peace, how r the news gonna work, the arm deals, ......

  10. One day there will be peace in the middle east but no human will be around to see it unfortunately. That's the only way peace will come to that region.

  11. There will never be peace there, As long as the Extremeists exist. The Jihadists there believe they are fighting a war for their god, "Allah". So they continue to murder innocent people and rape innocent women in the name of their so called "God". It doesn't even matter to them, because they believe its all in the name of God. The terrorists are recruiting more and more people each day. When they can't, they simply take a boy and demand that the family give him up to the militia. If the family doesn't comply then he is shot dead right in front of his family. That's where America comes in. I don't whether your for the war, or against it, but i do know that we're there defending the freedom of our country, Because without freedom we would become subject to Terrorism. So if the democrats want to pull out of Iraq, be my guest, but this country would never be the same.

  12. Maybe after armageddon.

  13. only if the Arabs murder all the Jews.

    so more fighting will occur as Israel continues to defend itself

    Israel would love peace.

    but, the Arabs will never have enough as long as the Jewish State of Israel survives. (they are bloodthirsty)

  14. yes there will be peace on earth

    world peace

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