
Will there come a point where the UK government will say "no more immigrants in this country"...?

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or are we forever going to be overrun with asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and immigrants? And why exactly did they say to Poland to come over here and start taking everyones jobs? Before anyone points the finger, try living where I'm living- we have the highest % of them in the country, believe me! Polish delicassens are going up, small little British stores are being closed as a result. When doing a car boot sale the other day, 3/4 of customers were Polish, that didnt speak English. I want to know when the government are going to half the numbers allowed in in particular, and do more to stop illegals coming into Britain, plus say to the ones that are here, "that's it, we are going to do more to get British people jobs, I'm afraid you will need to look elsewhere". Or will there come a point when Britain wont be Britain anymore, and be Poland/Estonia etc etc. Thanks




  1. Well as you may know the people are in charge, and lone power to a government party for four-five years, our 'Common laws' are suppose to be sacred, untouchable as they belong to ALL generations.  But our government it acting as godhead, and wants complete rule over the people, so the more immigrant the better chance they have of being kept in power, if they are good to these immigrants they will get their votes, and have power to change our laws, and have everyone having to really on the state.

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