
Will there ever be a opening and closing cermony like the beijing olympics again?

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i thought it was beatiful.




  1. I'm sure London's will be authentic - not taped fakery - and it will rock!  I've not seen an Olympics with less sportsmanship than this past Beijing one.

  2. haha can i ask why this was posted in the g*y/L*****n group ?!

    i didn't see it buttttttttt .... london is next. i live in the uk so we will soon see ;)

    china have by far been the best so far

  3. Probably not, the chinese are very very good with technical and electronic things.

  4. Yes, I am sure than within 30 years, when Shanghai host the Olympic, the opening and closing ceremony will be more beautiful than Beijing 2008.

  5. i thought it was wierd. The whole time i'm thinking, christ its supposed to be about the games, not about how amazing you think your country is, and then going way overboard (using cgi, fake little girl models lip synching etc.) with all the super extravagant, albeit amazing, visuals just to prove to the world somehow how powerful you're country is.

    The best part of the show was seeing Bush kickin back like woopdeedoo and then he just wandered around the games for a few days.

    China's government obviously saw the olympics as a massive political tool and figured it was the best way to prove to the world what kind of super power they were.

    I hope London learns that and makes a much better opening ceremony. They can totally make them look silly. The whole time I watched that opening I'm like, wtf does this have to do with Olympics? Wow, China is a amazing, they have big silly string stadium and a c**p load of a population, enough so that they can get them all to work endlessly perfecting this way overboard routines.  

  6. No.  I mean, I never say NEVER, but it's unlikly that any country on the list would want to invest the time or the money to have such grand events.

  7. only time will tell

  8. hopefully :D

    i agree , it was lovely

    but ours will be better !

    go gb!

  9. i dont think so

    that was pretty Amazing,

    i dont think any other host country will be able to top that

    i mean a million VOLUNTEERS? amazing

  10. That was the most unbelievably amazing spectacle I have ever seen and probably will ever see.


    Hats off to China.

  11. errr....yeah

    in london


    it will be a good way

    we will top it!!


  12. You'll never know, it was unique and everything's different so probably not.

    Loved the opening ceremony by the way, just awesome.

  13. I hope not!! They kept those "performers" in Concentration Camp-like settings while having them practice for 8 hours a day. China is messed up when it comes to how they treat their own people.  

  14. Of course there will

  15. I have to admit - I thought the opening was great. The closing was a not as great for me.  

  16. I don'ts know

  17. yes in four years when it comes to  london whoop!

  18. i would think so:]

  19. I hope not. Just think of all the human rights that were violated during both ceremonies. Adult diapers, no water, no bathroom breaks, harsh conditions etc. i HOPE we don't see a communist country exploit their people for the Olympics again....

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