
Will there ever be an earthquake that everyone in the U.S feels? Not including Alaska and Hawaii of course.?

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Will there ever be an earthquake that everyone in the U.S feels? Not including Alaska and Hawaii of course.?




  1. yes. if a earthquake that made los angels fall into the sea, then yes, you would b able to feel it.

  2. i don't think so...maybe not anytime soon, but what do i kno?

  3. When Yellowstone finally goes off (it's a supervolcano), everyone will feel that.

  4. Did you know that Alaska has daily earthquakes? We have the most of any other state. Most of them are small but I can still feel them.

  5. Anything is possible, but lets hope not. Catostorphic woud be putting it mildly.

  6. well i heard it in the news but im not from U.S. im from asia i guess time will tell and if ever better prepare and i also have some experiences of earthquake jsut last year i was in our school building and the whole class was on the 8th floor then the ground was shaking and the chair and infront my teacher became pale and she says "don't be panicked" well she was the one who panicked, us just pray and then go down to the the fire exit andthe other class was on the 12th floor running down from the stairs is so frightening....

    they say that in the yahoo that the california will be struck by a large earthquake ohh i hope my relatuves would be safe

    so stay safe and it's normal to be afraid...

  7. Well everyone will not ever feel the earthquake.  Some people are more sensitive to the ground moving.  They say the great San Francisco earthquake was felt in Boston, but I'm sure not EVERYONE in Boston felt it.

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