
Will there ever be another fighter in the heavy weight division like mike tyson??

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Boxing has become boring to watch. When is the going to be another Mike Tyson?

Amazing, there's 7 billion people in this world and they cant find any fighters like the greats back in the day. What gives?




  1. Barking(mad) bear your aptly named mate!Tyson was the most destructive fighting force of his or any other generation and you wont see another like him in your sad little life!Tysons big problem was lack of discipline not stamina.I remember Tyson coming on the scene and lighting it up like no other before him or since!Boxing is dying

  2. well at this point in time not anytime soon reason being all the great athletics are either in the NFL, NBA, and MLB. it seem all the gifted athletics don't want to box. i doubt there will be another tyson type boxer for another 50 years if there ever is any..tyson was once in a lifetime so enjoy watchin his recorded fights. he scared people before he even fought them that was truly special about him not many can do that.thats why it will be hard to duplicate him. and his ability to KO people in the first round i doubt anyone will come close to him.there's so much about him his speed. power, accuracy the guy was just gifted to box.gettin close to the results he gave is really complicated.

  3. LOL! The answer is most likely a "NO!" Mike Tyson has become synonymous with the word boxing. It's not surprising that all fighters today are inspired by Mike Tyson and still we have yet to see another fighter like Tyson. We probably won't have another Ali, Roy Jones, or Sugar Ray Robinson either.

    The reason is simple.... those boxers were born with natural gifts. They were born special, and trained to translate those gifts into boxing. Tyson was born with power just like Jones was born with speed. If you were born with a special gift that nobody else had, you'd be looking to build upon your own name instead of somebody else. Roy Jones was never looking to be the next Sugar Ray, he simply learned from his techniques and made himself a better Roy Jones in the end.

    You don't see Mayweather calling himself the next "Sugar", he claims he's even better...and the best of all time.

  4. manny "pacman" pacquiao when he climbs to heavyweight.

  5. Only time will tell.I wouldn't call Tyson a boxer,he was a brawler and if a guy could get past the first few rounds with him Tyson didn't know what to do.Tyson would have been good in ultimate fighting also.You are right about boxing being boring but I don't think lightweights and middleweights are,those guys can fight.I saw some footage the other day of Jack Dempsey in 1921 and that was really cool,it was different then.

  6. People loved Tyson because of his knock outs he was aggressive ,fast accurate and intimidating and people liked that, i am sure there will be other legends in the heavyweight division very soon Perhaps not like Tyson but probably great in their own way, someone somewhere is training right now and tommorrow....anything could happen.

  7. Well, all the fast slick "coulda been" heavyweights are in the NFL now. Blacks have seemingly lost all interest in the sport. If only this was the 60s...

  8. I don't think there will be another mike tyson. Not as far as talent and not as far as personality either. I think alot of these young kids black and white are getting involved more in football these days, and some mma.  Football just seems alot easier and more accessable (spelling) to get involved in ,in most places. It seems to be alot more popular and "cooler" to play. Having said that, i'm sure theres some kids out there that would have the talent Mike had , but they might be middle linebackers or defensive ends or full backs or something. Had mike grown up 20 years later he might have played football and never touched boxing

  9. you guys are retards, now days athletes are way better, but so many of them are good now, thats why nobody stands out above the rest like 50 years ago, ask any old coach or trainer and they will tell you the same thing

  10. I disagree with  Barking Bear over Tyson was just a brawler and could not go past 3 or 4 rounds and gave up. That just isn't accurate, It may have been true of post prison Tyson but not prime Kevin Rooney trained Tyson.

    Tyson was a master of combo's, he mixed speed with brutal power and pin point accurate punching. Tyson had several Knockouts past 6 or 7 rounds, a couple even in 10 rounds, he also had decision wins and was still fighting at the final bell.

    Once Rooney was fired as Tysons trainer, Tyson started to decline. Tyson and Rooney had a system of number letter combinations.

    From the corner Rooney would watch the other fight and if he seen an opening he would yell something like "5B" and instinctively Tyson would throw a right hook on the button. Without Rooney Tyson did not have that, his new trainers did not understand and Tyson did not respect them like he did Rooney and Damatto.

    If Tyson had stayed with Rooney he may have never lost. Shortly after Rooney left Tyson became a one punch wonder, relying on fear to dominate his opponents mentally.

    Will there be another Mike Tyson? well the division is open for it right now. But will anybody be as dominant as Tyson with the same style, probably not, the machine has been broken down and a good counter puncher or boxer puncher knows how to exploit it now. Commander Vander drew up the blueprints on how to beat Mike's style. A steady jab,a clinch, and some counter punching.

    But with the current crop of heavyweights a fighter with a little fire in his belly could make Tyson's style work again.

    And if Rooneys' old numbers letters system still worked he would have another champion already. The two together where a machine but apart they were just the nuts and bolts of a once well oiled machine.

    And if your calling boxing boring, apparently you are not watching enough boxing. In the last few years we have had some of the greatest action packed fights in the history of the sport. If your only watching the big PPV's after they air on ESPN or TSN then your missing allot of awesome fights.

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