
Will there ever be any help for the people with Autism????

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I am just about at witts end.I am a 54 year old mother of a 30 year son who has Autism. Now I don't know if everyone on yahoo answers is Canadian or not but it really doesn't matter. I'm just hoping that there is maybe some out there that maybe able to help me,I want to know if there will ever be help for adults with Autism? I have been noticing lately that my country is more concerned with saving "dam old sand crabs" and that they don't seem to give a flipping care for the austic person.Don't get me wrong I'm not asking the government to give moneys yo we the parents of these very special people, but come get a flipping clue, in New Brunswick that is where I live there is no homes for the level 4 person with autism,and I know that at 54 I don't have the engery that I had when my son was younger. He is 31 this year and he was in a good group home but there was only 2 male workers and my son John is a big man and he will bully you if you let him, so instead of him being in a group home with others like him he is in the Saint John Regional Hospital on the phys ward,now that isn't the right place for my son and the other austic adults. But what in h**l are we parents to do.I hope that somehow someone can help me.




  1. There are lots of charities and things to help people with Autism.

  2. It sounds like you have your job cut out for you. Organize the parents of the other autistic patients on the floor. Talk to the hospital chief who will agree with you that this group doesn't belong in her/his hospital. Find out what you can do to get them moved into a better situation.

    I feel badly for you. I babysat an autistic child and it was tough. I can't imagine the effort required to care for such a child for 30 years.  

  3. You could try Autism Society

    Independent Living Canada

    Canadian Adult Care

    New Brunswick Service for Community Living


    Canada Benefits Website:

    Ontario Disability Support Group

  4. I empathize with your frustrations, but as you live in Canada, there is little I can suggest for you to do, other than write to your legislative representative.

  5. i really cant help you find help but i can tell you i know what its like i have a 21 year old brother (hes older) and he too has autism but he also has other mental illnesses he will be joining a group home i know this isn't a helpful answer but i hope you can find a good place for your son and i wish you the best of luck =]

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