
Will there really be a heaven?

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I sit every night on my bed and look at those beautiful stars up in the sky and think if afer this life will there really be another one is there really a god who made every living thing i mean i've never seen a god but if there is i know that he can do amazing works you know when i was a little girl my parents would tell my that each and every one of those twinkleing stars up in the sky was a window and angels would be watching through them and one day i would get to meet jesus face to face that i would get a big big big house but after a while i kind of think that maybe its not true but who knows maybe i will get to see him one day thats all from katie bug




  1. yes i do believe that there is a HEAVEN. Someday we will all be there. Happy as can be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. woooooooow girl i like what u seed right now i think u'll she him & i hope u see him coz u look like a good girl just pray do good stuff  that god ask u to do and u'll go 2 heaven btw u don't have to see god to bleave him just take alook around see all the things he did can u do somethin like that i don't think so so there is god and heaven ..... so the answer is yeah sweety u will {hope so}

  3. Ummmmm...yeah, and the tooth fairy is real too!  Are you five years old, and does your mommy know that you are on the computer?

  4. Yes

  5. nope, i believe in science. The answer is really up to you. But, who knows, science havent proven yet how all the things in the universe came from right. There can be a possibility that there is a higher power somewhere in a lot of different forms.

  6. hope so

  7. yes,yes,

  8. yes because space wasn't around forever so how do u think it got created? god! there u go. and if uv'e seen a real ghost or heard of some 1 seeing a ghost then theres a heaven or else they wouldn't be there. and i really respect ur answer jojo.

  9. if there is a heavan, there will be a million places to dine out

  10. Katie bug,

         There is a heaven and God is seated on the throne there. But, there will be a new heaven and a new earth one day, when God has had enough from this world's sins and abominations, He will destroy sin once and for all. Then He will create the new heaven and new earth. You can find this in your bible if you have one, in the book of Revelation 21:1-3

    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. (2) And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, (3) And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

  11. there is a heaven!

  12. maybe

  13. Some are certain there will be, some are just as certain there won't.

    Most others aren't sure but hope there will be.

    I guess none of us will actually know for sure until (if) we get there.

  14. nope

  15. if u beleive in it then yes if not then no

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