
Will these animals be fine together in a 10 gallon half water, half land tank?

by  |  earlier

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The tank no longer has a filter, but will hold water.

I was hoping to fill it up half way with the water, and set it up so that there is a lot of land too (I have an idea, but I can't explain it without showing it)

I was thinking getting this really cool bright red crab that is smaller than a fist. A few of those actually.

I was also wanting a land/water turtle that was about the same size. (if those are... available :)

So, questions, would those be fine together? Will there be any fights or anything?

Also, how many could I have before it gets to be to crowded?

I still have a lot of reserching to do before I actually start to think of doing this. How to care fo rthem and stuff... I have to wait awhile anyway for things to settle down and I'm really ready to get more pets.

So this is more of a curiosity question really...

Also, do you know of any other pets similar to them that would be fine living like that? Again, just curious :)




  1. I think it would be alright, I think I know what kind of crabs you are talking about. I think you should consult an expert or look on the internet to see if its ok to have a few crabs and a turtle together. Just remember to make sure that they are not overcrowded, it is not good for their health. Remember not to let rocks or logs that the crabs can climb on high, I had 2 crabs before and they escaped from a goldfish bowl by climbing up its slippery walls. I have no idea how that happened.

  2. They should be as long as the water is covering them completely.

  3. You would already be overstocked.  A 'few' crabs and a turtle are too many for a 10 gallon tank - especially when 1/2 of it is going to be land.  :(

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