
Will these young stars be with there current team there entire careers?

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here are the guys and what I think.

Dustin Pedriora - BOS/ yes

Grady Sizemore - CLE / no

Brandon Webb - ARI / yes

David Wright - NYM / no

Brian McCann - ATL / yes

Scott Kazmir - TB / yes

Tim Lincecum - SF/ no

Ian Kinsler - TEX / no

Ryan Braun - MIL / yes

Carlos Quentin - CHW / no




  1. i think pedroia is the only one who might play his whole career with the red sox.  varitek has made comments about passing the captain's C down to him.  players just dont stay with one team for a career anymore.

  2. Other than Pedriora and Wright, the others come from small(er) market teams.  If their stats continue until the ends of their contract, none of them will stay, as larger market teams will simply outbid them.

    Right now, out of all of the above, I would say Wright has the biggest chance of staying with the Mets his entire career.  Everyone else is a crapshoot, really.

  3. Pedriora- yes, once a red sox, always a red sox

    Sizemore- i thought yes until i saw the indians trade sabathia away


    wright-yes, and if he doesn't i will personally slap omar minaya. coming from a met fan btw


    Kazmir- no, when his contract ends, teams are goin to be offering to o much for him and the rays won't be able to come close

    Lincecum- y not, he's probably in the best pitchers ballpark in the league, y leave?

    Kinsler- no

    Braun- yes

    Quentin- yes, if the white sox go far this year and he's mvp which he probably will

  4. Pedroia-Yes










    It's rare for a player to stay with one team for their entire career, so those are pretty bold statements.

  5. Well, I am a Giants fan. In all games that Lincecum pitches in, the Giants are 22-3. He is 14-3, with the bullpen blowing 8 games, and the Giants recovering the lead later in the game.

    Lincecum(15-3) is only being paid $300 K a year compared to

    Zito(7-19)'s 18 Mil/yr.

    Also, it is Lincecum's first full season in the majors so it is pretty good. Without Lincecum, the giants are 37-71. That is a ridiculously low .342, and Lincecum has saved the Giants from being the worst team in the majors.

    If the Giants did not have Lincecum, they would win only 55 games a year and lose 107 a year. Now that's bad.

    Besides, Lincecum will probably leave after his contract is done this year, tired of being paid so low, and being with such a "bad" team will likely join a better team.

  6. I doubt that any of them will play their entire career with one team.  That very seldom happens any more.  They are all greedy and go somewhere else for more money.  Player your entire career with one team is almost a thing of the past.

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