
Will they allow me to travel as dependent visa when im pregnant? i already have my visa but not yet stamp.?

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Good day. i already have a dependent visa in kuwait. my husband is working there for 2 1/2 years. i went to kuwait last may 24 and went back right away because as i arrive in the airport the kuwait immigration told me to go back in manila because i need to have a stamp in my papers from kuwait embassy in manila, philippines. when i arrive here i immediately went to kuwait embassy and they told me to have medicals. but when i went through my medicals i found out i am one week pregnant. i discontinue my medicals anymore and went home i did not get the result because i was afraid the kuwait embassy wont allow me to travel. will they allow me? can i continue my medical anyway im just pregnant and its natural for a married woman. will they allow me to travel in kuwait will they stamp my papers for me to travel in kuwait. i still have my visa and papers right now and its still clear.




  1. You should call or go and ask the Embassy, I do know that if you where going to the USA you would have to wait until after the baby is born and I would bet it will be the same for Kuwait as that would be the reason they check to see if you where pregnant. I wish you the best of luck

  2. If you are pregnant then it isn't advised that you travel. This is because if you get into an early labour there will be no one to help you deliver your child in mid-flight (you may be lucky though I wouldn't try it). Some places may not allow you to board the plane if you are visably pregnant and the Kuwait embassy may refuse you a visa on the grounds that you are expecting a child. Wait until the birth of the child and a few weeks after that to know that the child is okay then apply.

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