
Will they be there forever?

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I'm 12 and I have pimples all over my face. (not that much though) Will I still have pimples when I grow up? will they still be there when I'm 16? And will the scars go away?




  1. No. your body will make them go away with time. Besides, i've never seen any pimple related scars in my life. Sometimes i popped mine, and after they were gone i didn't notice any scars.

    It's amazing how the body can heal, let alone something trivial like pimples. (which mostly depends on hormones at this age).

  2. It's hard to tell how your skin will look when you get older, but your whole body is going through changes, this too may be temporary. And I agree with whoever said don't pick! That's the best way to get scars.

  3. The scars are probably not scares, but red marks caused by popping spots that will go in time. The best advice I can give is to wash and exfoliate in the morning and the night, drink 2 leters of water per day and exercise.

    Don't worry about spots, everybody has them and you're certain to notice your own much more than anybody else does, but what you can try is tea tree oil or toothpaste.

    At 12, don't let it get you down and just enjoy yourself.

  4. They will not be there forever and yes the scars will go away overtime. Just do your best not to pick or pop pimples because thats how you get scarring in the first place.

  5. It is better to try to get rid of pimples as soon as you get them and that reduces the chance of having scars from it.  With many people, it goes away when you enter your adult years.  For many others,  it stays even when your an adult.  it's called adult acne.  As for when it goes away for you, It really depends on each individual person and your just starting your adolesent years.  So there is a chance that it could actually get worse.

    The best suggestion I can give you, is find a good cleanser that works for your specific skin type.  Personally, I really like Cetephil.  It is the first thing i used that has gotten rid of my acne.  And use a facial moisturizer everyday ( it's best if it has spf 15 or higher).  The moisturizer helps block dirt and residue from cloging your pores.

    p.s.  A good indicator of how pimples will affect you is to ask your parents how their teenage years went with that.  A lot of times, it's genetic.

  6. No scars do not go away, ha that's why they are called scars!! that one person up their is dumb...but your pimples will go and come, as you get to adulthood you will see very little pimples...  

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