
Will they ever forgive me?

by Guest63865  |  earlier

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my mum found out that i lied to her and said id stayed at my friends house when id snuck out with a guy and had lost my virginity to him. i didnt love him and its the stupidest thing ive ever done. im 16. if you were a parent would you ever forgive me? or is our relationship ruined forever? :( i have no one to turn to and i feel like im going to fall apart




  1. Moms always forgive Shes just upset give her time being a parent isnt easy I have a 14 yr old and shes hurt me and when Im upset at her she knows but then things are back to normal  

  2. Love=forgiveness    but trust is something you will have to earn again

  3. ok well she is your mum and at the moment she is angry with you for lieing to her, she was probably worried that you might have got pregnant and i am sure that you would not want that

    i am a parent and if my daughter did this i admit i would be angry with her but would forgive her eventully

    so give your mum time and try saying sorry and how stupid you where

    hope you and your mum work it out soon  

  4. talk to your mum, or even  another family member you can trust. if you do talk to your mum things might be a little "off" for a while, if you know what i'm mean (ie) she may not talk to you so much or your trust with her will need re-building. after a couple of weeks thing will be back to normal. (:

  5. Your mother loves you and when they get upset like that its because she wants you to be able to come to her and tell her anything but realistically it is not true for everyone. There is also worry that something could have happened to you while you were with the guy and no one would have known until finally getting your friend to confess that you were never there. I have learned something in my little 23 years, its best to be honest with them. Just talk to your mother explain to her why you made the choice that you did, apologize for being inconsiderate to her and putting your friend in a position that makes her look bad in your mothers eyes and work from there.

    It may feel like the end of the world, but your mother would never turn her back on you. Hang in there and confront the storm should one arise, show her that you are capable of handling yourself when it comes to mature decisions that you are now making and she will see that you are growing up.

  6. i am a parent and regardless of what our kids do, we can't discard them.  At least you're not pregnant.  That would have been an even harder pill to swallow.  What's done is done.  Learn from this experience and try to move on. Gain her trust somehow and all will be well.  

  7. I would forgive you.  Everyone is different sweetheart, only time will tell how long it will take your mom.  You might write a letter of apology and explain that you admit you were wrong to lie and sleep with that guy, that you do not want to have that kind of dishonest relationship with your mom, that you won't do it again.  I wish you serenity

  8. Here's how an adult sees it: My daughter is being taken advantage of by guys, she is extremely naive, now she's lying about her whereabouts, I am no longer going to be able to protect her from very bad outcomes (pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, rape), and I feel like the worst mother in the world.

    Most of her anger with you will really be toward herself. And of course, she'll forgive you. You're only 16, there are decades ahead to deal with stuff.

    Even after she forgives you, she will probably put limits on your activities for your own protection.

  9. Of course they'll forgive you.  Telling your mother what you just told us will be a great start.

    Everyone has made mistakes.  They'll understand.  They just didn't want you to be hurt.  But when they learn that you're hurting, and about to fall apart, and that you don't want to repeat that mistake, things will be OK.  Great opportunity for a good heart-to-heart talk with you mom about feelings, love, s*x, etc.  

  10. Chances are that she has already forgiven you, but it may take a while for her to trust you again... talk to her and tell her how you feel and tell her that you are truly sorry for what you did- I think that you'll feel better. Good luck and hope things get better.

  11. she's your mum.

    give her time, she'll eventually forgive you.

  12. Dont worry about it, Sweety

    We all make mistakes ( check out my question !Am i right to be ashamed of myself?") and you'll know what i mean.

    Your mom will forgive you, she just may be angry that you lied to her, and perhaps she has a bad s*x experience, and doesn't want you to potentially put yourself in a smilar situation...

    Good Luck, Hon


  13. As a mom myself, I would say your mom had probably already forgiven you in her but is worried about you since you lied to her and broke trust and then engaged in some behavior that you admit was foolish. The best way to feel in her good graces again would be to simply make good decisions, do well in school, and above all BE HONEST. When you say you have no one to turn to...even through her anger, I bet you could still  go to your mom, but if not find a friend, teacher or guidance counselor.

    I hope everything gets better!

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