
Will they ever learn?

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Having just seen the film Gia, starring Angelina Jolie as tragic and beautiful model Gia Carangi (Google her!) I was moved to wonder why the pattern keeps on repeating with models/music artists. Take Amy Winehouse for example, is she destined to lose grip on the slippery slope she is clearly on? Why don't people ever learn from tragic stories from yesteryear?




  1. Because it's fashionable to be messed up

  2. not sure i mean its a personal choice that choose to live and you must accept that. they believe that drugs and all that will take away the pain but in reality it just makes things worse, it just sucks because these people are so beautiful and talented and they choose to live this way and the fans have to watch all of this go on to there favorite celebrity, when i heard about heath ledger i was soo sad.  

  3. Young people idolize pop-stars that live fast and die young.  So, they DO learn from these "tragic stories from yesteryear" - they learn how to emulate them.

  4. Because, many people in the "arts" are tortured souls - that is what inspires them but it is also their downfall.  They are also often around people who remove them from reality, tell them what they want to hear and feed them drugs.  After a while, they are a shadow of their former selves - just take a look at Amy when she first started out - outspoken and talented yes, but still a voluptuous and relatively balanced woman.  Just take a look at Janice Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe the list goes on.  

  5. being reallyyy famous is soooo much harder than people think.

    i've seen videos of amy winehouse out and about in london, she has people throwing stuff at her, yelling at her.

    she has atleast 50 paparazzi following everywhere.

    its crazy,

    anyoone would go nuts.

    its very sad.

    people are way to harsh on people they dont know.

    do they know about amys childhood or personal life? NOO!

    so dont judge.
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