
Will they extradite someone or put in jail for failure?

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to appear

if served with papers to go to court and you left the state

could you be arrested in the new state your in,would they put you in jail in that state or send you back to the original state

this would be for failure to appear in court,on an order that they wanted you yo have a paternity test done

or would you be safe as long as you never stepped foot in that state again?




  1. Most likely they would proceed without you and rule in the favor of whoever showed up in court

    for example

    you want to prove joe is the father of your child

    joe runs for the border

    you show up to court, the court rules that he is the father

    and has to pay child support

    they are unlikely to take any futher action

    now if the woman runs while pregant that could be a whole nother ballgame, because you are taking the child with you and leaving the man without possible rights or visition.....thats paramount to kidnapping

    hope this helped

  2. This is a multiple question here. First, the warrent will stay active forever on the computer. At any point in the future, if you are stopped ( bad brake lights, speeding, failure to yield. etc) they will run wants and warrents and it will turn up. At that point you are arrested and if you are driving, your car is impounded.

    The authorizing agency is then notified that you are being held and asked if they want to extradite. The arresting agency can hold you for a max of 72 hours. If the authorizing agency does not pick you up, you are released, but you still have to pay towing and impound fees ( if you were driving).

    For the second part of your question. The warrent is a misdemeanor, so it is highly unlikely you would be extradited. It is a matter of cost and misdemeanors just dont rate high enough.

    One item that does stick out in my mind is your mentioning this is for paternity ( which follows with child support).MOST states are reciprocal when it comes to child support. If the state you are going to is one of them, the warrent will show and your new state's CSEA will then pick up the charge and get the DNA sample.

    Bear in mind that child support is established when the Mom files. It wont matter that it may be a few years before paternity is established. Once established, the child support is made retroactive from the filing date.

    I am not saying what your best course of action is in this situation. That is solely up to you. Just keep in mind that once in the computer, it just doesnt go away.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

  3. I will not comment on the fact that such a test is a moral necessity because a child has a right to know his parantage. Anyway, I sort of doubt that the order would be enforced in another state because of the cost of returning the person to the court of jurisdiction.  It's possible that the order is only valid in the state issured, but I could be wrong.  To be on the safe side I suggest you contact a lawyer where you now live and ask him to check on it for you.  It's just not worth taking a chance should it turn out the order is turned into a warrant.  Good luck!!

  4. Probably not...

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