
Will they get what's coming to them?

by Guest58603  |  earlier

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Are you sure?




  1. If things go the way I plan... a lot will get what's coming to them. Some will like it and some won't. Yes... I am sure!

    You did see that "IF" at the beginning of my sentence, right?

  2. i sho' nuff hope so. they been askin' fer it eva since i kin recall.

    yepper, been a long time comin'.

  3. Definately, the trouble is it is not in a time frame that suits the rest of us, but believe me they all get what's coming to them and they get it in spades.

  4. Always. Just sit back and wait and watch.

  5. ...only if you did it yourself can you be sure...

  6. i don't believe in the saying "what goes around comes around"   too many people get away with way too much.

    but it doesn't stop me from hoping they get what they deserve.  i just wish i could be around to see a certain someone get it.

  7. They always do, but sometimes it's a very long wait. Karma does a much better job!

  8. Yes, Sawman I make sure they get exactly what they deserve good or bad I deliver.  

  9. What comes around  goes around and yes I am 100% sure.

  10. I'd like to think so, but I'm working on living well as the best revenge.  

  11. Eventually is a "sucky" expression that means "maybe" if Karma has anything to do with it...

  12. yes, and i hope & pray that they are understanding and cooperative, and know it is through love that it is given!♥


  13. I hope so

  14. Hey, Sawman!

    I'd like to think so... (it says "here" that they will... )

    I certainly HOPE so.

    Somehow, I know that -even if they do- it won't be in my lifetime...

    "What goes around comes around."

    Yeah? Maybe; it seems that it takes way too long,

    even if that's true.  

    I think "they" make it up, to keep "us" from taking

    matters into our own hands.  

    Yup. I do. }:>

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