
Will they hire me if i am 15 and 7 months ??

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i am 15 and 7 months and tomarow i have my FIRST interview im very excited but then i am very sad because i am not shure if they will hire me because im not 16 though i am soooo close to becoming of age. my job interview is at the mall in a clothing store. i am very mature and i am an honors student. i am very capable of working but i am just so afraid age will be an issue i really want to work i need to learn independence. wil sumone PLEASE help me. even if they do hire me i no i wont get many hours but at least some are a start do you think i have a chance? also what should i bring to the interview with me?




  1. it just depends if you are showing.and if you are not then theres a shot!

  2. It depends on the area you live in and the company hiring you. Most places in the United States can legally hire someone age 15 1/2, but companies often won't hire someone below the age of 16. The only positions you can't legally work as are positions that handle controlled substances, like alcohol, cigarettes, and medicine.

    The most important thing to bring to an interview is yourself, because as an employee you are an investment and you need to sell yourself. Dress appropriately and conservatively, do not show cleavage or wear bad-fitting or casual clothes, have good posture, manners, and most importantly, have confidence in yourself.

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