
Will they know I failed my parallel parking?

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I took my road test last week but I went to a place that makes you parallel park, since its Arizona I didn't think you'd have to know that. I wanted to go to another one where they just make you 3 point turn. Anyways I was wondering if they would know I failed parallel parking at the other place and make me do it as well or just make me 3 point turn?




  1. again children learn how to drive than you won't have to tester shop.....................

  2. They know and the others will know, you cant escape it just practice and you will learn to do it.....

  3. Parallel parking is a piece of cake once you've practiced it over and over again (though I do not suggest trying to parallel park the Russell Swift way unless you've got 20+ years of experience behind you--only he can parallel park in the extremely unique way he does, and into such a tiny space--he holds the world record for parking into a space that's only 33cm longer than his car). What you want to do is get your car parallel to the car in front of you, then slowly reverse backwards in a straight line. Once your right side mirror is at the bumper of the car in front of you, turn your steering wheel all the way towards the right, to allow your wheels to move into the space. Do this while the car is in motion. Keep moving back, and then return the steering wheel back into its original position to straighten out the tires once the back wheels are close to the curb to straighten out the rest of the car. Then, go back into drive, and slowly move forward into position. You want to be at least 18 inches away from the curb.

  4. On a road test, usually the pass or fail status of an applicant is the only info that is on file - not the reason for failure.

    Remember, the most important part of the parallel park is the start . The space should be at least 1-1/2 times the length of your vehicle . At the start, you want to be even with and about 2 feet away from the 'vehicle' in front of the space . When backing up and the back of your vehicle goes past the 'vehicle' beside you, turn to the right and aim the back of your at a point about 3-4 feet in front of the 'vehicle' behind you . Straighten out and as the front of your vehicle clears the back of the vehicle in front of you, turn back to the left and straighten the vehicle . You should be within about 18 inches of the 'curb.' . Practice a couple of times and find the reference points between your vehicle and other vehicles and the curb . A couple of tries and you'll have it nailed.

    All the best.

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