Okay, next year of school I am going to start being homeschooled and I can't wait for that. But the problem is, I only have one trimester left of this cruddy school and it's bad there. Since I have a couple of months left, will they let me do Independent studies? I know they have it available to students because I checked. My mom is okay with it and she can't homeschool me until this grade is over. She knows what's going on though. I have read into this and our only concern is that they won't let me do it because there is only a couple of months left. Is there anyway I could get this right away until the end of the school year? I am an honors student with good grades. Please don't tell me not to or that I will be isolated from the world because I am active and do several things during a day and have plenty of friends to hang out with. Should I talk to my counselor about it or what?