
Will they make the play-offs

by Guest58807  |  earlier

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With newly added Xavier Nady and Pudge Rodriguez, will they make the play offs?

Will the Red Sox make the play-offs if they give up Manny, and if they keep him will they still make it?

Jason Bay is actually doing better.

Will the White Sox or the Twins take the central division, the sox are up 1.5 games and just got Ken Griffey Jr. and are sidelining the slumping Pauly K.

But the Twins are just plain old good.

Who will come out on top in the NL East

The Marlins offense is killer and they might get Manny Rameriz and they just got Arther Rhodes.

The Mets are the hottest team in baseball and are very talented, what more to say.

The Phillies have the most powerful 3,4,5 hitters i have ever seen and some okay pitching.

Plz tell me who you think will come out on top in these divisions, thanks.




  1. not likely

  2. I hope not, but probably.

  3. The sox will the other sox will and the marlins will if not them the phillies. The Cubs will win the NL Central too.

  4. I think this is when you will see more out of the Yankees; Pudge is a huge addition for the Pitching staff, Molina is not a bad defensive catcher but no one in the league calls a game like Pudge, his power may be all but gone but his catching ability is still great, the Red Sox are tough (will not trade Man Ram) and the Rays will fade down the stretch.

    The White Sox really got a little better with Griffey but not much.  The Twins are making internal moves that will solidify their team, I think they may take over the division.

    The NL East is too close to call, my team the Phillies needed to bolster the pitching staff and really did not, Blanton is not enough of an upgrade if he is an upgrade at all, a fly ball pitcher in that park, not a good match-up. The Mets seem to be clicking at just the right time, they could definitely use another arm in the pen but who couldn't!  The Marlins are a surprise but also seem to be just a little short this year of what they need

  5. i FOR ONE HOPE SO!!! AS FAR AS "MANNY BEING MANNY";goes i hope  the red sox trades him for a "TEAM PLAYER";even if it means losing the playoffs.You just can't let one "LOOSE CANNON" play WHEN HE WANTS TO;it takes the effort of the "WHOLE TEAM";to win the playoffs--then the "SERIES"!!

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