
Will they pick me for jury duty if I am single and I need a real pay check????

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I got a united states district court summons. I am single and I need my income, not some $30 a day paycheck. I want to be able to pay my rent.




  1. The last time I went to jury duty(first time in AZ) I missed 3 days of work. Made $12.00 plus travel expenses. And was treated like sh_t by a bunch of idiots who checked you every time you go in or out the door. The people in the jury pool room were rude at best. I sat around half the day and then they needed more time at the end of the day to pick jurors so we all got to come back. I thought I was doing my civic duty but the people at the courthouse seemed to think I was there to be abused! Next time I will just ignore the summons and pay the $100 fine. It will be cheaper and I have been abused enough by those people!

  2. When I worked in my state's court system in Circuit court, we processed jurors through the Circuit court clerk's office.  We would allow someone to defer their time to serve once or twice  before the person "had" to appear for jury duty. You should call the office that handles this in the county in which you live.  You may be able to defer (postpone) your time to serve.

  3. This is part of your civic duty.  Most employers cover jury duty for a limited amount of time.  It's a good experience even if you do it once.  After the first day you get mileage and $15.00 or $30.00 per day in addition to your paycheck.

    You may have to give that back to the employer if you're covered for Jury Duty.

  4. I've served jury duty twice, once when I was in the military and once when I retired and became a cop, believe it or not.  Both times I was selected regardless of my job.  Only the judge can release you from your "duty".  Lots of people have financial concerns but it's a fact of living in a democracy.  Good luck.

  5. You have to be able to explain to the judge what your hardship is.  He's the only one that can release you from ultimately serving.

  6. yes they will

  7. Well, no.  They don't care if you need the paycheck. You would have to make a case to the judge.

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