
Will they sue me?

by  |  earlier

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China quake victims demand $1B from Sharon Stone over 'Karma' remarks. I say she's right! History has shown that 'what comes around, goes around...' Look at Turkey - perfect example.

So. I have to agree with Ms. Stone. But I can't help but think that they're ONLY suing her because she's a celebrity with the ear of the media. Could I be next?




  1. do you have any money.

  2. Who's "they"?

  3. On behalf of the Karma Leaf foundation, I am suing you for $52.67.  Know you are not a rich kid, I will send you a pre-addressed stamped evelope so you may send the money.  Thank you and have a nice day.

    And remember Karma is were I want it.

  4. The Chinese are historically insane.  Look how they treat animals in general.

    I honestly do not think you could be sued for comments made about China....

    Besides, I doubt you have nearly the $$$ that celebs have.

    Rest Easy... you are ok.

  5. well you have to see it like this...imagine someone said..9/11 in america..what goes around comes around...that wud cause such a fury..!!!!!!! chinese people created to say that is even more embarressing let alone painfull....she shud have thought before she spoke!

  6. If you believe what goes around comes around yes. but then if that was the case we should be suing everyone who ever said anything about getting hit by an act of nature and said they deserved it.

    personaly, who cares?

  7. Now that the Clinton's are no longer in a position to hand them "Campaign funds" they will have to sue to make up for their deficit.

  8. They are suing Ms. Stone because she has money. They will not sue you unless they think you have bundles of bucks.

    The poor rarely get sued because the take would not be worth the trouble. Poor folks only get robbed by small-time hoods. Real thieves get into politics, because it gives them access to large amounts of loot. (Hillary, who?)

  9. Then she should not complain since it is Karma that it comes back to bite her what she said.
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