
Will they take me seriously (uk pref)?

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so got AF 2day 

and this will be month 9 ttc. i

was wondering if i got 2 the doc will he take me seriously? i know it sounds quite a silly thing to say but i heard you have to be 23 to be considered for IVF and i was wondering is there an age limit as to when you can have fertility tests and treatment if there is anything wrong?

im 20 (21 21st sept) but my partner is 27. we have been ttc 9 months although i pay taxs so may tell my doc a year as i would prefer to know if somethings wrong now rather than later in case it requires early treatment.

also did any1 else have a gut feeling that there may be an underlying problem which is why they wernt conciveing?? and were you right or wrong???i dont know y but every month i get hopeful i have a niggling doubt in the back of my mind that makes me think theres something wrong.any help would be great.

thank you very much

.(and please no 'your too young' i own my own 3 bed home, pay my own mortage and work full time and run a car like many other women.)




  1. I think that it is worth making an appointment with your doctor to discuss the possibilty of you and your partner having some tests.

    There are a LOT of steps between initial tests and IVF so don't worry too much about that.

    I would suggest exaggerating the amount of time you have been trying for and say it's a year. Also say that you have been tracking your fertile signs and have been timing intercourse correctly.

    If your doctor tries to fob you off saying that you are young etc just say that you don't see why you should be discriminated against because of your age and that it's just as heartbreaking if you are 20 or 37.

  2. Everyone should be taken seriously by their doctor. However 9 months isn't such a long time, although I know from experience it feels like it.

    There used to be lots of advice before IVF came along about eating well, getting enough rest, abstaining from s*x for a while to build up the sperm reserves etc. See if there is an older person who can give you good old fashioned advice to get pregnant naturally before you resort to paying out.  

  3. There is no harm in making an appointment with your doctor and asking tell him/her everything and they will tell you what to do next but my friend went to the doctor and she was told to go back after she had been trying for a year and she couldn't lie about it either because she was on the implant so they knew when they started trying that was after implant came out

    good luck x  

  4. well i'll be honest if i was you i'd lie and say youve been ttc for 12 months that way you'll get refeered to the hosptial for tests - by the time you see them it'll be about a year anyway. (if you haven't got pregnant in the meantime), that way you can go to the dr's get refeered, while your  waiting for your gyno apptiontment to come though still carry on ttc, it takes about 2-3 months for the first apptiontment to come through.

    the tests they will give you are

    hsg - check your tubes

    day 21 test (if you have periods) to see if you are ouvlating

    sperm test

    maybe an ovary scan if pcos is suspected

    maybe some more blood tests (i had loads!)

    this all takes time in between appts and stuff so best to start the process off now.

    also i you have to b 23 - 39 for ivf, but there's loads of stuff before that, clomid, iui, then ivf

    but you'd have the tests first, then maybe clomid which would be 6 cycles, then iui, maybe 2-3 then ivf so by the time you would have done  all the treatments before it you'd prob be 23 or nearly that anyway, and i think you'd be allowed all the other stuff.

    so go to your dr get refeered - then wait and try and relax you never know you might be pregnant by the time the apptiontment comes through xx

    good luck x*x

  5. Well, If You Think Theres Something Wrong, Then Thats What Your Doctors There For, Isnt He? Just Ask, Theres Nothing To Lose And You Will Be Able To Be Treated Earlier If There Is A Problem.

    Good Luck And I Hope This Helps!

  6. I would say there is no harm in making an appointment to see your GP to get checked over, especially if you feel there may be something wrong, nobody knows your body like you do yourself, I have a friend who was on bc for years as she never wanted children, she then met 'the one' and decided to have a baby, after a period of time trying, like yourself she felt something wasn't right, she had regular periods and was going through the symptoms of ovulation, turns out she would never have been able to conceive naturally as there was a blockage in her tubes (caused by appenicitis when she was a young girl) she went on to have IVF (her partner already had a child by previous partner) and was lucky as conceived her first round - now got gorgeous baby girl,,,,,, you may not need IVF it may be sonething simple that can be treated with drugs........ Do what's right for you - Go for it :-) Hope this helps..... Good luck trying to conceive, x

  7. I can only answer on my experience. I am 22 and we have been trying for 23 months. We are married,morgtage,good jobs ect....and trust me ...None of that matters!!!

    But anyway our gp still isnt taking us seriously!!

    9 months isnt very long!! I know it proberly seems liek a lifetime to yourself tho!!

    Have you thought about going private maybe for IUI which is no were near expensive.

    Another option is egg sharing where you can actually donate some of your eggs then you will get your IVF paid for you.


  8. i really think your jumping too far ahead of yourself considering IVF! i am 21 now and have been trying for 5 months for no' took us 7 months for out little boy, 9 months is nothing compared to how long some people try for a baby and not getting pregnant after trying for 9 months does not mean that you cant conceive naturally! just try and relax and honestly try not to think about it because i swear it plays a big part in trying!! you can go to the doctors and they maybe consider you tracking your ovulation and other simple options. it will happen hun but i really dont think i doctor will consider IVF for you after only 9months and if u have no medical problem which means you cannot conceive, good luck hunny xxxxx

  9. I don't know why everyone is giving you a hard time. Your age makes no difference. It's heartbreaking to want a baby so badly and it itsn't happening for you. It takes over your life.

    I think it's way too early to even think of IVF as there are many other things to try first. I went to my docs after 9 months of trying for baby no.2.  Something like 80% of couples conceive within the first year but I was getting very depressed about it. Luckily my doctor was very supportive (I'm 31) and referred me for a simple blood test to see if I was ovulating. It turned out I was depressed because I was actually pregnant, but I had been convinced there was a reason for my infertility.

    There are many other treatments before IVF such as taking pills to help you ovulate I would advise you to go to the doctors. There could be an underlying problem. The general advice is that if you're under 35 to wait until you have been trying for a year. Best of luck, baby dust to you :)

  10. Paying tax, owning a home is nothing to do with it.

    The NHS is not trully "national", local NHS trusts make their own rules on IVF provision locally. I agree with them 20 is too young because there is a very good chance nature will take its course.

    Some NHS trusts refuse to give IVF if even one of the partners already has a child, or if one or both is aged over 40. Some also refuse to give IVF to under 30s, and many limit it to one cycle.

    IVF is VERY expensive and has only been provided by the NHS for little over a year in some areas.

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