
Will they tell my parents?

by  |  earlier

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Well basically i was sleeping at my friends house yesterday, and some boy came, and ended up steeling her dads (who is away in london!) car. Then he or his friends threatened to slit are throats if we ring the police! There is more to the story, but that's it basically. So will the police tell my parents? I'm 16 from the uk.




  1. I'm assuming you DID call the police.  They are not obligated to tell your parents, but if they catch the kid you could be called as a witness.

    Is there any reason why NOT to tell your parents?  You did nothing wrong (unless you weren't supposed to be there) in this instance, and I think they would rather find out what happened from you then from a court witness notice.

  2. Well, I'm american so I'm not sure the police system over there, but I kinda doubt it.  The police usually only inform your parents if YOU broke the law.

    And even if they did, would it be so bad, you didn't do anything....if anything they'd just be really worried about you because you were threatened.

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