
Will they think I'm a freak!?

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I'm 18, 5'1" tall and have a very small stature. I have natural very blonde hair (almost white) and am fair skinned (with a few freckles unfortunately). I dress feminine but not in an outrageous way.

I may be moving to Saudi Arabia with my family. I know Saudi girls cover up but I know how dark and exotically beautiful they are. Will I get stared at? Will they think I look like a freak? I hate being the subject of attention as it makes me nervous. What can I do to myself so that I don't stick out like a sore thumb when I'm in town with my folks (Riyadh). I hate the thought of completely covering up i.e. Abaya. Advice please?




  1. There are ugly and beautiful women in Saudi. I never seen anything exotic about them, considering I been here 7 years so I have gotten a bit use to them.

    I recommend wearing gloves because when Saudis see white hands they may harass you. They do it a lot to the Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian women here as many of them have white hands and the cops don't stop it

  2. you sound like a knock out!

    the hospital usually has its own accommodation arrangements and is situated near azizia area. you dont need to cover up inside the compound area and there a lot of foreigners, so you wont stand out.

  3. if you will be moving somewhere with other european/american/australian looking folks i'm sure you'll be fine. the only time you will not be wearing and abaya is inside  a house if u dont live on a compound. but when you are outside and wearing your abaya if you don't want them to notice your eyes or skin just wear one that is fully concealing . i know it kinda sucks for people who aren't use to the culture, but it's the law to cover up when you're in a public place, sorry. :(

    my advice is learn all you can about the rules and culture. ksa is like no place i have ever been, it is very special, so learn all you can and it won't be scarry. riyadh is  a big place and i'm sure you will find some good shopping there.

    to help: they have a floor on a mall that is only for women so you don't have to cover up TOTALLY. and everything was 3 times less than us $dollar when i was there in 05, so shop :)

  4. you will actually be just fine.. and wont be a freak...

    traditionally women from asian countries are short in stature, so your 5'1 height will be normal...

    also you might not realize which no one has mentioned.. Is, not all Saudi's are dark skinned..There are representatives of all races and color of skin here in this country that are true Saudi's...

    Since age old time, when Saudi wasnt a country yet and people from all over from as far away as Europe, Russia and the orient traveled to make pilgramage (hajj).. it took their life savings,, some families stayed in and around Mecca to live their lives and intermarry... So you will now see blonde blue eyed saudi's (families living here for over 100years now) speaking fluent Saudi arabic and every bit a citizen like the next person... I am a teacher and I am amazed at the different girls in the school.. all the way from blue eyed blond haired white skin to extremely dark black eyed, black skin, corse haired girl (looking like imigrated from Sudan, or Africa in the past).. Its truly a beautiful sight to see....

    So you wont be out of the ordinary..

    and many young Saudi girls are not wearing the headscarf these days.. I see many girls in the malls, western and local alike just wearing the abaya (cloak) only...

    dont worry.. you'll be just fine... welcome!

  5. Oh!  Just be yourself, and know that if you are calling attention to yourself by being blonde, it will be positive, because it will be seen as interesting, and not freakish.

    However, I strongly suggest you cover up, out of respect.

  6. am@

    what's wrong with you my friend?? you are always negative in your answers?!

    Do you hate Saudis? I can feel that you do by telling all these lies..

    just remember that our fingers are not the same tall, so people are not the same in any place. There are bad and there are good people.


    Pooh Bear,

    I think you are very pretty and cute. And you will not look like freak. We are all the same, sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. I'm sure you will look special among your friends there :).

  7. LOL of course u wont be a freak because ur not completly covering up !! wear normal clothes we arabs arent closed minded like u think

  8. ....if it bothers you, you can dye your hair in black so no one would stare at you for long....

  9. I'd recommend u dress fairly conservatively, and be ready to be looked at. they probably won't consider u a freak, just different. that's not necessarily a bad thing though :)

  10. No, they won't think you're a freak.

    I have many relatives and friends who are blondes or brunettes; Also blue and brown eyed people here in KSA.

    You will just be like everyone else! :)

    People will not stare if you don't have a headscarf on but they will stare if you don't have an abaya.

    You would only have to wear the abaya when you go out so it's not as if you would have to wear it 24/7.

    When you go to parties and such you won't have to wear it either, if it's all women you can wear whatever you want!

    You don't have to wear it in college if you are planning to go in Saudi.

    Just be yourself and don't be scared what other people think!

    Be kind to everybody and that kindness will most definately be returned!

    Good luck and enjoy your time there if you are going!

  11. don't worry about such things at all

    some of the saudis are blond and with coloured eyes

    but more arabs who live in saudi are so, especially lebanese

    plus there is good number of western expats here

    you will be alright ..

    if you are so concerned about all of these issues, then you won't go and do something crazy here .. so, you will be totally alright ..

  12. be confident of yourself, your self confidence will determine that, respect people and people will respect you, and i recommend to follow the dress code here in KSA, welcome

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