
Will this affect my cat?

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Me and my family are leaving for vacation. My older sister will be coming by every day to water the plants, feed my cat, feed my other sister's hamsters etc. We've done this before. But we haven't in a couple years. My cat is 16 years old in human years, and even when I'm gone for a couple nights at a friends house she cries at night for me to come home. I'm not sure if she does it anymore, she might be used to it. But even with my other sister coming and feeding her and stuff will she be lonely.. will anything affect her. I'm worried about her.




  1. yes

  2. when i go away i always bring my cat to my grandmothers.. She is a crazy cat lady so to speak so my cat isn't lonely.. Maybe u should do the same.  

  3. Yes, she'll miss you, but as long as your sister will be coming in and giving the cat attention, she'll be fine.  One of the best things to do is give continuous care by having your sister come over and pet the cat while she is in your lap.  This way the cat connects her with you in a positive way.  Let your sister feed her or give her treats while you are there - and it'll help the transistion.

  4. As long as your sister pets her, she should be alright.

    My Cats used to be like this, but if you leave some of your clothes lying about for them to sleep on, they soon get over it, and have their own kind of holiday.

    ( I'm a Cat guy, I have 4. )

  5. Most likely she is going to be lonely, you'lll probably want your older sister to pet her and be affectionate for her when she goes over to feed her, and just spend a few minutes bonding with the cat.  It'll also help if you just spend a couple of minutes with your doting kitty and tell her that your leaving, they understand more than you think.

  6. My cats always get mad when I leave them home for a while, when you come back it might take your cat a few days to warm up to you, because they will not hesitate to show that they're mad.

  7. As long as she is getting interaction with someone everyday, she should be fine.  I am sure she will be glad to see you when you get back though!

  8. I understand, my cat can sometimes do this too.

    One factor may be her age. She is 16 and getting old. My experience with pets is that they age very similarly to people. When they're old they get moody, or upset easily. But it usually goes away with the same speed it came.

    Perhaps you could leave the heat up, so she could be more comfortable. Maybe ask your sister to put out her favorite food. Ask your sister if she would be willing to spend some time with the cat so it wouldn't have a chance to get lonely.

    Then, when you return home, make sure your cat knows how much you love her. Play and pamper her. She will soon forget you were ever gone.

    Good luck! Hope this helps. =)

  9. The cat Knows you well, but at this age it will be asleep most of the time, and will only miss you as you leave, and as you return, the cat knows the fuss  will be very rewarding, our little beggars, are allways off to the neighbours for a little extra lovin' lol.

  10. How long will you be gone?  Hopefully it's not much longer than a week.  Yes, it probably will affect your cat to some extent, but doubt it will be a big deal.  Your cat might be a little peeved with you when you return, but most cats return to their normal behavior soon after their owners come home from a long time away.  Make sure that your sister gives your cat lots of attention while she is there.  Maybe ask her to watch a half hour of television so the cat can sit on her lap for a little while before she leaves each day...

  11. Of course she will be lonely.  Maybe our older sister can spend some time at your house - watching a movie, having dinner, reading a book. I'm sure that will help with the lonelieness.  

  12. Turn on talk radio, and leave some lights on.  Unmake the bed for her to sleep on.  Most you can do.  I'm trying to kill my wife's cats, so if you need advise on that, let me know.  

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