
Will this affect our 15 month old?

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Our 15 month old crawled into our bedroom while my husband and I were having s*x. She was watching from the side of our bed. We didn't realize until we finished. Is this going to affect her in any way?




  1. It will hopefully for her sake be a repressed memory.

  2. i dont think so but she might try to act it again and but she wont remember it when she is older. So i think shes fine.

  3. No she'll be fine.

  4. i don't think it will effect her she is to young to remember it in the long run...

  5. My three year walked in on us and we just told her it's a special hug mommy and daddy do together. She probably doesn't even remember walking in on you or what you were doing.

  6. No, she is too young to remember.

  7. I just told this story to my husband. Honestly I don't think it is going to have much of an impact. She is at a stage where she realizes that it is something she has never seen before, but is not necessarily aware of what is going on. I think the best way to handle it is to not make a big deal about it which could bring more attention to the situation. She will forget about it. I don't think I have any concrete memories from when I was 15 months old.

  8. She might wonder about some feelings for awhile but she will be just fine.  I know I walked in on my mom and dad when i was 3 years old and it didn't tramatize me or anything but talk about an image you don't want in your head lol.  At 15 months old though she will forget what she seen eventually

  9. No she will not remember that at need to put a gate up in her room though.

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