
Will this affect your criminal record?

by  |  earlier

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If at the age of 17, you get stopped and held in jail for a couple of hours, for not paying the train fare in a NY train station, does this go on your record? If so, how long does it stay on your record and would this affect your college applications?




  1. This may go on your friend's juvenile record. There isn't really much to worry about in how long it will stay because your friend will have a clean slate by the age of 18. That's as long as no felonies or similar criminal charges were committed. Best thing to usually do is just to take your punishment when you know you are guilty. The saying "If you can't do the time don't do the crime" exists for a reason.

  2. you have to be arrested to have any convicted to have a criminal act appear on your record.

  3. NO.

    Even as the rules may vary, not paying train ticket (fare) is not a criminal offense so if you were held just for that it wont matter. But you beat up the station master for asking you to pay the it is criminal ! !

    Do colleges do a background check before giving admission? Never in my area. Education is a right even for criminals.

  4.   Your friend is still underage and I would have to say no it wouldn't stay on youpermanentnt record.  You may want to get the opion from some different attorney though and you will probally be able to do this via phone and without having to pay. There are alot of good lawyers ,that offer first consult is free!! Look for that and you'll get what your asking for!

  5. .......

    please tell me this wasnt you lol.

    Hopefully not. I would consider a way to appeal it or to have it e sponged though. The cleaner the record the better

    all the best

  6. You have to attend court and be convicted of a crime by a judge.  Was your friend charged with something and ordered to attend court?  Nothing goes on your record unless you are guilty and convicted of a crime.  

    This doesn't sound like a big deal to me, unless she was charged with something and has to attend court.  In that case, she should get a lawyer.

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