
Will this amount of cycling help me lose alot of weight?

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I have started cycling at least 12 miles every day on my new racing bike.... I try not to freewheel down hill and never get off on steep inclines, can I expect to lose alot of weight if I keep it up? How long will it take until I see a real difference?. I am not on a diet as such because I don't overeat and eat healthy foods. I suppose I need to lose about 2 stones. Thankyou.




  1. This is a slow process as you will burn fat from your waist and backside area also your logs will be slimmer but you will start to build muscle in your leg.

    Remember Muscle weighs more than fat so you might start losing weight and you start to feel better and nothing changed on the scales this would be why!

  2. Exercise is neccesary as well as diet (nothing too serious, but particularly watch what you eat after exercising) many people come back after cycling a will grab some McD or a bag of potato chips after excercising, and supposedly "need to replace lost calories" rather you should replace electrolytes and liquids instead of fat and calories, canned soup is a good post-exercise food.

  3. I honestly don't know, but it would have to help.  When you look at professional cyclist you never see an ounce of fat on any of them,  So I'd guess that if you work hard at it , it has got to help get the weight off and firm up the bod at the same time.  Good luck.

  4. You will lose no weight.

    You actually will gain weight.

    A common misconception is "I want to lose wight"

    NO, you want to "lose inches", "look better"

    That you will do.

    Keep it up.

  5. bicycling is an excellent way to lose weight. You will also gain muscle but look at Lance Armstrong, he is thin and not overly muscular so don't worry about that

    It is anaerobic which means even after you stop your body continues to burn calories. I recommend going to a bike shop or your local gym to find someone who can tell you what the best way to lose weight.

    Always vary your speed and your hills. Some days go for long slow rides and others go for short hard rides. drink lots of water and have some good carbs. before and after. Other than that ask someone who is reputable for more info.

  6. All things being equal, let's say, you eat exactly what you ate before you started cycling, you'll lose weight.  The key is burning more calories than you take in. It's really pretty simple.

    There are other factors involved in how FAST you lose the weight of course, metabolism, age, medications, other health issues, but still, increasing excersize and eating the same amount, you will lose weight.

    You just need to burn up more calories than you take in.


  7. u need hills and then the fat will burn off right in front of your eyes

  8. Yes sounds like a good start,but mind you don't over compensate on your diet, don't eat to many things containing sugar and carbohydrate

  9. no! (*you will lose fat*) but you will gain weight because you are going up hills you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat

  10. How long does this take you? And how hard is it for you to ride this distance?

    If you have 2 stones to loose, you will loose weight! (unlike the other  poster said, he probably doesn't know how much a stone weights). This distance should be taking you 45 min to an hour (depending on your fitness level). You will start to see results in about a month. After 4-6 months you're going to have to increase your distance to keep up your weight lose. Keep riding, and enjoy.

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