
Will this arrest warrant go away?

by  |  earlier

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I knew this person who was set up by this church, they sent this dude who provoked him(how I know, I was there when the whole incident happened), he didn't want to fight or anything but he kept messing with him until he snapped which involved him to go off on him. He was hit first, hit with a chair, and a mirror and he even bit his ear and left a scar on his head. (I mean I know this is a bit much but the other guy tried hard to avoid the whole situation.) How the situation started was because of some milk. Someone left milk in the refrigirator and milk somehow spilled all over. and then the other guy got in the other guys face. He even walked in his room and in his space to try to get him to fight. i would've stepped in between but i didn't want to get involved. But yea thats when everything went down. After he done enoguh damage, he got him into a headlock to hold him down until help came, but the house manager hit him in the head and before he could tell him what happened...




  1. Well sorry to say, you are involved! You need to speak up and stand up for this guy, if he's your friend? All you have to do is go to your church and tell them what happened, or you could wright a letter, and get it notarized and witness that you where the one writing it, and send a copy to the church, and the police! h**l stand up for him! Man!

  2. Without going into who set up who, I will look just at the question that you are asking in itself.

    If a person hits another, that is assault. When that person uses a striking implement ( the chair), that is now aggravated assault.

    When that person does permanent physical damage to another ( bit his ear and left a scar on his head) that is now felonious aggravated assault.

    Given your question straight up, as it is read, this would be a felony charge

    One last note. Whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony warrent, once they are entered into the computer, they will stay active until the case is resolved in some manner or form. So the answer to your question would be a felony warrent of arrest and it will not go away.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

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