
Will this bring evil smokers back?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike This filth better not make me smell that filthy ewwy smell.




  1. There is so much corruption surrounding the whole tobacco industry it isn't is the thing: there is a drug that does work and THEY don't want you to know about it.  All the gums and patches and over the counter smoking cessation c**p don't work, and they and the tobacco industry are in the tank with each other.  

    Chantix, a prescription drug, will allow a person to quit if they really want to, the rest of the c**p is just big business praying on our frailties.  There are more reasons than the effects of second hand smoke to keep it at bay, don't worry.  I don't think they will make a come back soon.

  2. I am an ex smoker and I only quit because of price not my health.... I dont condemn anyone for something I once did myself... its MY choice as it is theirs!!!... What I do tell people though  ( like some of the bartenders here and you can still smoke in them) that complain about the smoke.... " If you dont like to be around it DONT work in an establishment that allows it"... plain and simple!!!

  3. If I were you i would be more worried about the drinking problem, i can smoke 3 cig. and drive my car and not kill anyone,and i would be concerned about all the meds. the Dr. are prescribing that ends up in re-call because it's killing us.not to mention the c**p in the air from cars, and business's"s

  4. What's more ewwy is the fact that your judging people and calling them devil and immoral.  And are you saying that obese people scare you? Wow your just hummm ignorant.  I would be more concerned about parents abusing their kids, factories spewing out waste, animals being abused.....cigs are the least of my worries.

    I don't know who your talking about I don't have a violent hate towards smokers and your the first person that I have even heard that from

  5. 'EVIL' smokers?

    I'm sure there's a psychological professional in your town just waiting to publish a case history on you.


  6. Whine,whine,whine.


  7. Good lord, a survey from the Dept of the completely bloody obvious. Shouldn't you be more worried about the eeewy smell of things that actually do hurt you, like exhaust fumes for example?

  8. i'm a chainsmoker, too bad about your air. i aint charging you for my expensive smokes so quit whining. the price is 3/4's tax funds your school and stuff.

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