
Will this bring value of the car down and if so about how much to fix?

by  |  earlier

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i have this car that has been giving me problems from pretty much the day i bought it. its a '00 grand am. i am not sure exactly when i will be selling it, but i do plan on it. thanks to one of my friends i have a pretty good cigarette burn in the sun roof shield fabric (the thing that hides or shows the sun roof). would this effect the selling price alot? does anyone have an idea how much it could cost to fix? thanks!




  1. No.  You wouldn't get much for that car, anyways and a burn isn't going to hurt the value on a 9 year old car.  

    If you traded it in, they dealer would likely have to sell it to a wholesaler to put up at auction.  A cigarette burn would be the least of anyone's concerns if they took a chance on purchasing that car.  

  2. It would undoubtedly cost more to fix than it would deduct from the selling price. Anybody buying a 9+ year old car isn't going to expect it to be in mint condition.

    Lol and any dealership offering you more than the car if worth like in the previous answer is obviously s******g you over somewhere else.

  3. a cigarette burn will not make a car price go down trade the car in and u would get a awsome value...i had a saturn 1998  and a dealership gave me more than it was it doent matter if u have liitle problem or big

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