
Will this buy me a ps3 at game stop? easy 10 points?

by  |  earlier

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xbox core but no controllers,2 bk games, a ds without a charger?, xbox 20 gig, xbox halo face plate, a sp charger, and a multi charger for all the nintendo things, xbox 1 controller, mario doubl dash, mario party, gamecube, 2 gamecube controllers, assassins creed, gta 4, saints row, broken wireless mic, regular mic, wireless adaptor with edge card how much would it be? ty




  1. I think you just need about under £50 then you can get a ps3.

  2. I don't know, go try it.

  3. Yes it should be enough i think, dependant on which PS3 system your buying (20gb, 40gb, 60gb) etc. But yeah, you should be able to :)

  4. yea i think around there but u may no be able to sell ds or 360 becuhz u need at elast one controller or a chager

    i went to gamestop and didnt bring a controller for game cube and they didnt accept it  

  5. no it would not i would try a pawn shop first because game stores are a rip off

  6. already they wont take your xbox core or your ds, because they need the one controller it came with along with all the plugs and the charger the ds came with they also wont taked the broken mic

    i tried to return a gamecube without a controller so i can still use the controller for my wii and they said i couldn't return it without a controller, and when i asked why, they said in a smart tone, how many people can play a gamecube without a controller?

    but i'd say everything else it could be maybe 100 to 200 bucks

  7. Well, I guess you might get at least $300 for all of that, but you could get a lot more on eBay if you had the patience.

    A 360 can go for at least $200 on there alone, and if you include the extras, a lot more. DS can go up to $80, xbox up to $60, and everything else about $70. That's $450 if all sells well.

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