
Will this cage work for a syrian hamster?

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  1. Those are both way too small.  Syrians usually get too big for crittertrail tubes.  Hamsters need more floor space than height.  A 20 gallon tank would be much better, or a bin cage.  I'd also be way too scared of a a fall from the top level of the crittertrail three.  If you really want one of those type of cages, you'd need at least two connected.  

  2. Don't buy two syrians to share a cage, because they will fight to the death. You should get the second cage, because the bigger the cage, the better. They need room.  

  3. don't buy two syrians

    because they will fight to death mine always fight(ive heard)

    so  i think the first one ,so cute

  4. Yes is righ.


  5. the seconD one

  6. I have the crittertrail2, Z. and Outlook! I go with the first one!

    It has plenty room! It also is easier to clean! I hope this helps!  

  7. syrians get quite large and either of those are okay to start but when your hammy gets bigger he might not be able to fit through those tubes

  8. In my opinion I think either cage would work. I prefer the second one just because there is more room for the hammie. However, make sure you consider all these things: price, accesibilty to clean, ect. Hope this helps

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