
Will this delete all of my music?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, I have a question here. I know iTunes is a bit finicky about having two Apple devices using the same iTunes, so I have a question.

My sister has an iTouch and uses iTunes to download stuff for it on our computer. Today, I got an iPod Classic, the first other iPod my family has had. I want to use iTunes on this computer, the same one my sister has it on. However, I hear that if you put two separate iPods in the computer and start up iTunes, it transfers your library to one device and deletes all the songs from the other the next time you plug in or something like that.

I don't want to delete my sister's songs from her library or whatever, and have them on my iPod and not on her iTouch. However, I obviously need to use iTunes somehow. If I create a separate account, will there be no conflict in devices, or can I not even use the same computer for the 2 different devices?

Sorry for the long, confusing question, but I've heard lots of stories of people losing all their music when plugging in another iPod to their iTunes. BTW, I'm looking to have my own library, not share hers.




  1. iTunes will only delete your music if your iPod is set to automatically sync.

    To change this to manually sync, plug your iPod into your computer, and select iPod in the Devices list.

    Under "Options," select "Manually manage music and videos."

    Now, your iPod will not automatically sync.

  2. The easiest thing for you to do would be create another account on the computer and manage you songs in it and leave the one you have for your sister.

  3. you can sync two ipods to the same computer.  you will have to give each unit a different name on your iTunes.  when you want to put music on your ipod, you drag or what not the music that you want on it to your special name.  

    The only time it will erase music is if you were to have music on your ipod, and you try to sync it to someone elses library.(meaning not your own) It will then erase all your music and put thiers on it.  

    you can have 2 devices on one itunes.  My husband and daughter both have thiers on my computer and they both have different music.

  4. Me and my brother have the same thing . We both have ipod nanos. The trick is just to plug it in and sinc it up. When it asks you to register it, just choose, not now, or never.Then you can use it freely.  

  5. What you need to do is before you plug in your IPOD go into itunes and unchecked all of her songs. Then plug in your ipod and register it and then download all your music and make sure when you sync it that only the music you like goes on your ipod. Then when she goes to use it make sure she knows to that's all you need to do. I know because there are 4 ipods on the itunes i have!

  6. On your compter craete another user acoount and youll have your OWN itunes librarry  

  7. it will only transfer the purchases and will not delete any thing with out asking you. If you mean a new computer account then it will be a different library which would work well. If you mean starting a new itunes account then that is unnecessary my family has one itunes account, three different libraries  and 4 ipods. I share my library with my sister and it works fine only we have to switch off who is the ipod matching with the library which is fine.

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