
Will this diet work?

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only fruit and veg everyday and then 200 cals worth of chocolate once every two days. If it will work, how long will it take me to loose 40 lbs? im 137 and 5 ft 5 female, aged 16.




  1. dunno, bt i'm gonna try that now ;)


  2. You are asking for serious health problems if you eat like that and 40 lbs weight loss would put you in the anorexic range.

    I'm clinically underweight at 98lbs and I'm 8 ins smaller than you!

    As you are still growing and at 16 either at school or working, you need a healthy balanced diet with an intake of at least 1000 calories just to keep your body working.

  3. U would lose more weight if u ate a bowl of special k for breakfast, one for lunch, with skimmed milk. then eat ur fruit and veggies, and mid afternoon, have 2 squares of chocolate. that way u would ease ur choc cravings without 'splurging' every two days, which would put the weight ON! U need to eat the cereal to keep ur metabolism going everyday, otherwise it will slow down and the diet will not work. im stil not suggesting the diet is healthy, its very limiting, but im just answering the question. when u feel u have lost a bit of weight, try and add some lean meats into the daily diet

  4. What???? Don't be ridiculous this is another crappy fad diet that ruin peoples healthy bodys! Whenwill you women learn to stop listening to these things???

    If you really want to lose weight and have a healthy body then you need to do two things. Just two things. They are called EATING HEALTHY AND EXCERCISE!!!!!!!

    First of all you have to eat a healthy diet. This doesn't mean go on a crappy fad diet or starve yourself!!! It means that you make sure you eat 4 or even 5 small to medium meals a day. Each meal, apart from breakfast, (preferably fibre rich with fruit) should have a combination of protien (chicken/fish/soya etc), carbohydrates (pasta/rice/potatoes/etc), and vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (fresh fruit and veg). There are many easy ways to incorporate all these into every meal. This also doesn't mean you can never have pizza/takeaway/chocolate/etc, just save them for the occassional treat.

    Secondly you need to EXCERCISE. Cardio excercise is anything that will get you out of breath, your heart rate pumping and you sweating (running, swimming, cycling, etc) and is necessary for burning calories, shedding body fat and improving your overall fitness levels. Strength training basicaly improves the muscles and tones your body, this comes from weight training, core training (sit ups/planks/etc), stretching (such as yoga) and dynamic training. This is necessary to keep your body strong and supple and will also help you lose weight and tone up.

    This is only an extremely brief overview, but both of these are necessary to lose weight healthily, keep it off, and have a strong healthy body.  

  5. I am your height and weight and totally hot.

    Whoever tells you you need to lose weight is an idiot.

    All that fruit will give you the squirts and the chocolate on its own will give you spots.

    Besides if you lose 40 pounds you will be less than 100 pounds and look like a prisoner in a concentration camp.

  6. why would you want to eat chocolate anyways?

  7. Sounds terrible.  Chocolate is terrible for you.  If you eat only fruits and vegetables your only getting carbs.  Your body needs protein and fats to survive.

    Adds some lean meats(chicken,turkey) and healthy fats(nuts,fish oil) and get rid of the chocolate.
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