
Will this egg STILL live?

by  |  earlier

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yes i have encountered a new problem. You see, when i was off at my last day of school my mother fidled with the egg and gave it instense heat. it was easily over 102. i don't know the exact temperature but when you touched it it felt really hot. my estamate is about 150 deggrees and it was like that for a couple hours at most. now it has a grayish circle on the top and bottom of the egg. is it alive?




  1. I have a bad feeling that your chick is dead, there is a slight cance that is alive though, you can test this by useing a flash light and shining it threw the egg to see if the fetus is moving or looks living. If you cant tell then just keep the chick in the incubatore for its remaining time needed to hatch, it it hatches its fine if it doesnt then throw the egg away and try again. Everyone makes mistakes, eggs are particularly dificult, I hope that all goes well and if it does not try again. Good luck

  2. no the egg will not hatch its cook try to eat it with some tortillas

  3. The gray ring is bacteria forming.  Your chick is dead.

  4. Hiya, I am afraid I think the chick will be dead, if there is a grey patch on the end it looks a bit that way.

    Hide it away from your mum next time!!

    Good luck for future hatchings

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