
Will this ever go away?

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I have a sore right between my *** and my v****a. Its basically right where it meets. and it looks like a big massive pimple that wont go away. i tried using acne cream on it and it didnt work. i dont want to go to the doctor because i've never had a doctor look at me down there and it might feel weird. any suggestions on what it is and what to do?

Ps: and it hurts to touch it too.




  1. Sounds like it might ba a boil.  Think overgrown pimple.  Yes they hurt a lot.  If you can take the pain, I would try to have it drained (popped).  It might go away on it's own, but I doubt it.  

  2. Did you recently have s*x for the first time? Because when I first had s*x I was sore right around where you're talking about. It wasn't like a pimple though, just really really sore and red. For me, this went away after my body got used to s*x. but if you aren't sexually active then I would definitely go to a doctor. The examination isn't bad at all! You just have to relax. And make sure to get an older nice woman. Mine really helps me relax because she has a grandmotherly quality.  

  3. Well actually it sounds really serious, if it hurts really bad.

    and you dont know what it is.

    its best to see a doctor.

    im 15 and never seen a doctor either but its the best to do if your not sure.

  4. kinda depends on some factors......

    how old are you?

    are you sexually active?

    how long has it been there?

    it could be an std, it could be an infection or it could just be a pimple.

    I'd be careful about what you put on it.  Acne cream may be a little harsh for that sensitive tissue.

    If it doesn't go away, you may need to go to a doctor.  You might as well get used to being looked at once a year "down there" because it's just part of a female's life.  Every woman should go once a year for an annual exam.  

    p.s.  that area is called your "taint"   ;-)

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