
Will this g*y marriage controversy ever be resolved?

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Like, will Christians in general stop hating g*y people? Will there be less discrimination against homosexuals in the future?




  1. I'm a Christian and I don't hate g**s.  I'm sure and pray that less discrimination against homosexuals is in the future.  

    We are not in this world to be judgmental because only God can do this.

    Luke 6:37-38 (KJV)

    "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive and ye shall be forgiven:

    Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom.  For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."



  2. Yes. The Christian religion has changed its views drastically before.

    For example: When forks were invented, Christians believed using them was an offense to God, as it implied that the fingers he gave us weren't good enough to eat with. They used the Bible to back this up. Now, most Christians have never even heard of this bit of trivia, and would probably laugh at the thought of forks being sinful.

    Secondly: Christians used to fully support the slave trade and black segregation laws. Again, they used the Bible to justify their views. Now, your average Christian would be disgusted at the concept of owning and beating slaves, and would swear that such behavior is not acceptable by God.

    In the future, I believe that the whole homosexuality controversy will die down too. All this fighting will just be an awful and outdated bit of history, like the slave trade.

    Edit: LOL, Oscar! I've never heard that one before.

  3. Same-s*x marriage will become so routine that even those who consider it sinful won't spend much time thinking about it. As a parallel, how much time do Catholics spend worrying about the fact that they are condemning themselves to h**l every time they have s*x with a condom?

  4. I wouldnt count on it. People will never agree 100% on anything. The hating ends when the world ends.

    Christian and I have g*y relatives and friends whom I dont hate on.

  5. Yes, g*y marriage will eventually be as common as christian divorce.

    Eventually the courts will all see that the Bible can't be used to determine marriage equality in America.  Mostly because the Bible isn't the source of marriage laws now...  why should only homosexuals be forced to adhere to the bible version of what marriage should be.

    If you or your loved one are divorced...  or even worse, re-married after divorce, you have no moral ground to say that homosexuals shouldn't have marriage equality...  because "the bible says..."

  6. They need to learn to love :)

    Homosexuals= awesome.

    Always some of the nicest people.

  7. Yes, it has already been resolved in the Bible.  People just do not accept the Word and try to go about and make their own ideas mean something while denying God's Word.

  8. All you back water dumbass fundies are going to have a heart attack once Obama wins and moves America forward.

    Why don't you go rapture yourselves into a jet engine turbine? Rapture retards shouldn't even have the right to vote they are so ******* crazy.

  9. no.

    If you put a knife in blood and than freeze it than do that ten more times so that the frozen blood is thick on the blade.

    Than bury the knife handle in the snow a wolf will come along and start l*****g it, and continue to do so even when they cut there own tong but will continue l*****g until they drop dead.

    You see evil is never satisfied. If we allow marriage than they will want something else and on and on and on.

    Jesus always told the truth even when it was not popular.

    Anything that flatters you in your preaching will make you a trader to Jesus Christ. Will you prevent  the power of His Redemption from doing its work?

  10. It will go away when all g**s and lesbians (consenting adults) have full and equal marriage rights under the law.  Extremist Christofascist sects can continue to refuse to marry whoever they want as that is their right as long as they don't interfere with a legal human right accorded by the government.

    If the Christofascist wing of the Christian religion wants to continue to interfere and push to legislate against basic human rights perhaps they won't mind it if the government starts issuing business license to set up a McDonald's or The Gap in their church buildings and perhaps they'd like to start paying the taxes that they avoid due to religious status now?

  11. As a Christian I don't hate g*y people.  I just don't believe in their life style and that is my choice.  I believe what the bible says about ALL sin.

    Rom 6:23   For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Eze 18:4  Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

    Do you call it love to allow a someone to perish in their sin by turning a blind eye?  Jesus did preach love, he told us the truth.  I guess that is why he was hated.

    God clearly states that sinners will perish...

    Rev 21:8   But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    As a Christian you believe this don't you?

  12. There are two possible outcomes.  Outcome 1: g**s are allowed to marry and recieve equal rights.  Outcome 2: This battle goes on forever and continues to get stronger because we g**s have been around since the start of humanity and we're not going away.  We will never stop fighting for our equality no matter what.

  13. I think that there will be less discrimination against homosexuals in the future because the issue is being discussed publicly now, and that is paving the way for more freedoms to be recognized later.  g*y marriage is legal in some states in the USA, and Senator Obama would like for Civil Unions to be recognized by the federal government.

    Some Christians are g*y, but not many, and many g*y persons are religious and/or spiritual.  If we weren't, then we would settle for civil unions.  Civil Unions are a great start, though.

  14. I have yet to hear a valid argument as to why two lovers of the same s*x, who've been sharing the same address and checking account for years, still shouldn't be able to file a joint tax return.

    >>Like, will Christians in general stop hating g*y people?

    They're still free to hate g**s all they want.  Or "hate the sin", or whatever other euphamism they choose.  A church can still refuse to marry 2 g**s if they want.  Heck, a church can refuse marriage to 2 people of the same eye color if they wanted to.

    What Christians just have to accept, is the fact that their religion doesn't define LEGAL marriage (read: being recognized by the government as being married, with all legal benefits that goes with it), for everybody else.  You'd think more of them would be aware of the fact that non-Christians have been getting married for thousands of years.

    Two people who marry in a church have a marriage that's just as legally binding as two people who get married by a Justice of the Peace, or by an Elvis Impersonator in Las Vegas.  The government does not care, nor should care, what kind of wedding you had, or what spiritual attachment you additionally give to your marriage.  You still have to check the same box on your 1040 form.

  15. Christians do not hate g*y people. We just do not believe they qualify to a marriage for it is between one man and one woman

    We love them, and we tell them how the Word of God is. The Bible is the same for all of us sinners

  16. If i was a minister...and i openly stole from the congregation.  Would God bless my ministry?  Would you believe i am false or true?

    The same goes for homosexuals.  God will never bless a person that continues in and attempts to justify his sin before God. christianity is an abomination.

  17. We Christians don't hate g*y people. We are supposed to love all people. We just hate the SIN of homosexuality.  

  18. hate the sin not the can care about someone but not like what they stand for.any civilized country that imbraced homosexuality have fallen. we in america are headed that way. the lord said turn from thy wicked way THEN i will hear your prays and heal your land.

  19. It will very soon be a non-issue.

    In Europe right now, there are lots of g**s out in the open. they are involved in politics, and nobody but nobody cares.

    In parts of the USA right now, the g*y issue is rapidly becoming a non-issue. g*y marriage is rapidly becoming mainstream. In even conservative areas, g*y couples are able to have joint insurance, estate rights, and in some cases, custodial rights.

    I do not say we don't have a ways to go, but I am confident that in a few years, g*y marriage will be established in many, if not most states. In fifty years, it will absolutely be a non-issue, except as an embarrassment for former opponents. You never saw divorced fundie ministers, and now it's no big thing. In fifty years, there will be g*y fundie ministers.

  20. I don't hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality. It is against God's natural plan for humans. Here read for yourself:

    Rom 1:17   This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life."  

    Rom 1:18   But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.  

    Rom 1:19   For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  

    Rom 1:20   From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.  

    Rom 1:21   Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused.  

    Rom 1:22   Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead.  

    Rom 1:23   And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people, or birds and animals and snakes.  

    Rom 1:24   So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies.  

    Rom 1:25   Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen.  

    Rom 1:26   That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have s*x and instead indulged in s*x with each other.  

    Rom 1:27   And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved.  

    Rom 1:28   When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done.  

    Rom 1:29   Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.  

    Rom 1:30   They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents.  

    Rom 1:31   They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving.  

    Rom 1:32   They are fully aware of God's death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them,  

  21. I'm not afraid, I don't hate, and I don't mock homosexuals.  But that doesn't mean that I agree with their life style.

    How long will people continue to equate disagreement with hate and fear?

    If (and that's one big IF) - but if you believe in evolution, then you can NOT believe in homosexuality as a valid lifestyle, unless you think that this mess (called "life") is finally cleaning itself up after all these millennia.

    Let me explain:  If life originated because of evolution, it was an accident - matter, energy, space and time working in random chaos.

    When *I* have an accident - say I spill my milk all over the table, I get up, I go into the kitchen, I grab some towels, I come back, and I clean up the accidental spill.

    If life truly IS an accident, maybe homosexuality is nature's way of wiping up the mistake to finally, once and for all, get rid of human life!

    But if you DO believe in evolution, then you must understand that homosexuality is counter productive to the propagation of the species, so it is in violation of the evolutionary process.

    Personally, I do NOT believe in evolution.  I believe that God designed us, and just as you don't go putting peanut butter in the carburetor of your car because it violates the operating specs that Ford Motor Company (or Chrysler, or who ever) wrote to keep the vehicle running properly, likewise, homosexuality is in violation of the operating specs of the human species.

    And please, PLEASE don't point to what animals do - if you've already lowered yourself to the level of an animal, I pity you!  I'm more than mere animal.  I have a soul.  Did you lose yours?

    So, let's get this controversy over once and for all, and just STOP!  (I promise I won't put peanut butter in the carburetor of my car because it violates the design specs of the manufacturer.  But you, too, must promise to not violate the design specs of OUR manufacturer!)

  22. not in this dispensation. sin is stacking to the heavens, culminating... being set before the throne of God to be judged righteously. at that time all of creation will finally understand, but by then it will be too late for many.

    i don't hate g**s, i just hate perversion because i love righteousness.

  23. Princess Selena, Christians do not HATE! It is very disturbing when someone thinks that because we don't agree with g*y marriage that it means we hate g*y people. I do not and neither do the other Christians. Please understand that.

    We disagree with abortion but we do not hate abortion doctors.

    We disagree with theft but we do not hate theives.

      We disagree with murder but.."   "   "   "   murderers.

    Do you understand? I would go out of my way to help a g*y person. If their car was broke down I'd do my utmost to help them. I would pick that person up and drive them 25 miles back home so they could get a family member to help fix the car. I really would.

    I hate the sin but love the sinner. Right now there is someone in prison for being a child molester. I was shocked when I found out. We were friends before the molestation and we're friends right now. I write to him and he writes to me. But I vehemently disagree with what he did.

    I hate the sin but love the sinner. Are we getting it yet??

  24. When christians finally learn to "love thy neighbor" and "judge not, least ye be judged".

    Brigid_0'Malley-It is a sexual prefrence. Not a disorder. How would you feel if I called christianity a "disorder".

    [If (and that's one big IF) - but if you believe in evolution, then you can NOT believe in homosexuality as a valid lifestyle, unless you think that this mess (called "life") is finally cleaning itself up after all these millennia.]

    Actually, the higher a population is, the more homosexuals it will eventually produce. This way, said population would not overpopulate. And yes I will say it, it is in the animal kingdom

    it is perfectly natural.

    For those who argue that "homosexuality is not natural"

    Well, it's not natural (nor was it "god's will") for us to wear clothes. But we do.

  25. Christians are fighting an inevitable trend.  We have become more and more accepting of g**s over the last 40 years and that's not going to change.

    It was only 30 years ago that Christians were fighting for states to pass laws to not allow g**s to be teachers because, they said, g**s were all pedophiles.  g**s can't reproduce, the argument went, so they -recruit-.

    Christians in the south also fought against the end of slavery, and against civil rights and integration.

    So yes, there will be less discrimination against g**s.  They will have to fight for their rights, but they will win them.  Just hang on.  Of course then Christians will fight about something else.

  26. It is a way for Christians to channel their energy in a direction that won't cost any politicians any money. If they wanted something like world peace for instance it could cost the rich behind the Military Industrial Complex and wars billions and billions of dollars. If Christians really cared about this country they'd march down to Washington D.C. and demand that the Lobbyists be thrown out of the Capitol as they are the root of most of the country's woes. But, noooooooo, they have become so brainwashed by the church that they can no longer see clearly. The church listens to those with the money.

  27. Catholics do NOT hate the sinner, but we hate the sin.  When a person with same-s*x attraction ACTS upon that attraction it becomes a sin.  It, however, is NOT a sin if they simply deal with the attractions... much like an unmarried person must practice chastity until (s)he is married.

    Chastity is the key!  God gave us our sexuality to be embraced.  This, however, is where some people go wrong.  "Embracing" can mean practicing abstinence, chastity, or married sexual life.  Each of these must be embraced as part of our vocation--(single, religious or married respectively).  

    The very problem with the homosexual "act" is that it cannot enjoy the two ends to the marriage act: unitive and procreative.  Truthfully, it's because you cannot beget children through a homosexual "act".  This is where Catholics' defining point lies.

    Yet again, we are working so that in this upcoming election people will vote "YES" to the Marriage Amendment, defining marriage as between one Man and one Woman.  

    God Bless.

  28. Homosexuality is a sin. I dont hate g*y people. It is not my place to judge them. In California, at the moment, it is legal for g**s to marry. In November there will be a measure to amend the California constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman and that would permanently ban g*y marriage and invalidate the existing ones.

  29. The problem is that marriage is a social institution with certain legal and social and religious rights attached .

    Any church or other organization should be allowed to choose who they marry and give the benefits of the church to .

    But when it comes to the government there is a problem . IF the government sanctions marriages who should the government be allowed to deny ? Homosexuals , threesomes , brothers and sisters , friends? And will these people be allowed to demand certain social benefits based on a government marriage license ?

    As an example If a cruise offers a vacation for M/F married couples will they be able to discriminate against M/M g*y couples or M/M heterosexual friend couples ? This puts businesses in a difficult position .

    Marriages should be performed by non government organizations .

    Question .... Should L*****n bars be allowed to ban straight men ?

    BTW I am atheist and support LGBT rights .

  30. The reason christians are intolerant is because they are always trying to prove a religious myth really exist when it doesn't.  As the world gets smarter and smarter about the non-existence of a deity they get angrier and angrier, that's why they pick on the g**s today and tomorrow they'll pick on something else.  Don't they realize that if there really was a god who made us all, he would have made the g**s as well, and he might be a little peeved that some mortals didn't like what he created.  Now how are those mortals going to look in the eyes of their maker.

  31. I guess people are unaware that trains ARE the work of the devil.

    Christians may not stop hating the g**s but there are more and more people that aren't Christians everyday.

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