
Will this get me into shape?

by  |  earlier

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Hey there I'm 17 looking into getting stronger, and more buff... I'm currently 185 pounds and i have good size biceps from working out on dumbbells in the past, but i do have a slight stomach on me. My friend recently gave me a total gym and i just set it up but when i use it i only get tired, and my muscles don't seem to feel heavy/sore like with dumbbells. I'm looking into a proper blend of free weights and this new total gym for the best results, also i intend on limiting myself to two meals a day along with this working out... Anyways will someone lend some insight to guide me onto the right track? I'd greatly appreciate it.




  1.      If you are looking to gain mass or strength. If you are looking to gain strength then you can do it with the resistance exercises that are afforded to you with the total gym.  Because the resistance you are getting last throughout the whole range of the exercises. As opposed to weight training with dumbbells, where you have to focus a little more on the extension phase to get the same resistance range.

         With all workouts you make gains with the time and effort you put into them.  By sublimating the process or trying to speed it up you invite injury and slower gains.  

         By increasing certain aspects of your training with the right amount of supplements and or foods you can make the gains you strive for.  If you are lifting until you are sore with the weights then you are doing something wrong.  You should never train to pain and/or injury.  By doing so you are damaging the muscle and creating space for scar tissue to grow and create more injury

        You can lose the stomach by increasing your cardio and eliminate the pain from your workouts by stretching a little more throughout your routine.  Or by changing your routine to include cardio between sets to increase you heart rate and metabolic rate making your training aerobic.  

         Your strength gains can become more efficient by scheduling regular weight increases. Plan on increasing the weight of your sets by 7 to 10 percent every two weeks.  Change your hand positions and rate at which you perform each exercise and shock the muscle into getting stronger.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!


    you shouldn't have 2 meals a day.

    That will make you weaker and if u decided to go back to 3 meals a day you'll put weight on FAST.

    You should be eating 5 times a day. but watch your portions.

    -breakfast eg 2 boiled eggs on toast

    -morning snack eg an apple

    -lunch eg chicken sandwitch and salad

    -afternoon snack eg a banana

    -dinner eg baked salmon fillet and veges

    you should add alot of protein to your diet like eggs, fish and chicken

    so you can gain muscle.

    good luck

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