
Will this homemade laxative work?

by  |  earlier

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spoon of salt,cup of hot water,1 lemon

im on a diet, ate something i was not supposed to eat.

junk food was all around me.

enough said.i wont get addicted i just need this this one time.




  1. yep!

    ive tried it, definatly works.

    instead of table salt, you should use sea salt.

    its called the "salt water flush"

    it works, look it up online.

  2. LOL  not.  It will not work.  But going for nice long walk could help you  work of the calories you ate.  

  3. This best homemade laxative is a tablespoon of epsom salt in warm water with a squirt of lemon for taste but I would stay close to the bathroom because when it hits all hands on deck

  4. wow theres a homemade plzz write me bakk n tell me how u do it or if u kno of anymore laxitives u cud use with  

  5. it wont make you c**p but it will make you throw up

    however its not throwing up loads of food because ive done it before, just mostly the walk water and a bit of food.

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