
Will this hurt my chances big time of getting into a good college?

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I got a 69 on the chem regents but a 74(?) average in my chemistry class.




  1. Because New York is different from my state, have no knowledge of whether the state assessment (Regents) is considered by colleges for admission. Also, is your 74 a C or a D? Schools vary a lot on this, and many colleges only look at the letter grade, not the actual numerical score. If you are going into a scientific field, and plan to attend a science or technological college, then it just might.

    You need to find out the admissions criteria of the colleges that you are considering "good". So many colleges nowadays prefer well-rounded students who are active in many things to those who only make perfect scores and have no "lives".  You may also want to talk to your high school's career or guidance counselor. He or she will be able to give you more customized or detailed information for your area!

  2. It depends on how your other science grades have been, and what you plan to do. One C won't drop your GPA by a lot, but if you've been getting a lot of lower grades, you might want to try for A's and B's from now on.

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