
Will this intense scrutiny over Sarah Palin actually help John McCain win the election?

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Will this intense scrutiny over Sarah Palin actually help John McCain win the election?




  1. For the sake of our nation, lets hope so!!!

  2. Probably. Everybody is busy talking about garbage and not issues.

  3. Intense Scrutiny over anyone running for President and Vice President is welcome.  However, when the only thing liberals can find is out right lies, it will only benefit the McCain camp.

    Too many women remember the smears from the Obama camp on Hillary, and now it's started up again on Palin.

  4. No.  It has made McCain and the 27% ers a laughing stock in the US and the world...

  5. YES

  6. I sure hope so. and it's time to vet the the wonder one. Let's hope O

    Reilly dose his job tonight.

    Let see if he will really ask Obama hard questions. or be like all the other Media. So yes I think  Sarah was a big asset to John McCain.

  7. I sure hope so. The left has been attacking Sarah Palin as a hypocrite.  They continue to say because Sarah has promoted family values and her daughter Bristol is pregnant, making her a hypocrite.

    I believe she is actually supporting her family values by standing by her daughter in her statement about Bristol's pregnancy.

    Maybe they will start being more concerned about the achievements

    on her record, as they would if she were a male candidate.


  8. They didnt call Palin "Sarahcuda" for nothing. They can scrutinize all they want, it only keeps her name at the forefront of the election and the McCain/Palin ticket more desirable.  

  9. Let's hope so. Dems keep saying what a terrible choice she was. If she were that bad they'd sit back with a smile on their faces and watch us run ourselves right into the ground. I think they're worried.....and with good reason  :)

  10. you have got to be kidding

  11. Yes, I think it's really pointing out to the Independents how biased the media is and how much the Democrats are really misogynistic women haters. First Hillary now Sarah. Politics isn't even the issue, gender is.

  12. Yes. He sat quietly for months without wasting money or energy on stupid ***** while Billary and Obamy made themselves look like idiots and showed their true selves. Now it's his turn. Palin is not parading her pregnant daughter. She's beating the uneducated mouth runners to the punch. And most of those mouth runners have historically run amuck throughout the election but have shown in the end (since they are mostly freebie seekers) that they are too lazy to drive to the polls. Of course it's helping them.

  13. It's well on it's way to doing that, yes.  I hope they'll keep it up because more and more people are becoming outraged.

  14. YES because Republicans live to hide each others promiscuity's and always rally together to hide each others lack of Morals.

  15. Actually, no. The more they find out about her, the worst it gets

  16. i have not witnessed any "intense scrutiny"

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