
Will this make me a bad person?

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I have decided that I will no longer eat meat other than fish (occasionally) - does this make me a bad person (at 41!)

Why? - "Torture Me" By The Damned.




  1. Hi, No why would it make you a bad person, you are doing something you believe in, and that is your right. I think (even at 41) you are you have the right to choose. Good for you.

  2. No it will make you healthier and more eco concious

  3. I think it's such a shame that people kill poor little vegetables. LOL

    Why don't you give up on them too Radstar?

  4. yes you cant give up bacon sarnies and fillet stake and kfc chicken

  5. no, not really. although its great that your cutting meat out of your life :)

  6. Ok.

  7. So, meat is murder, but fish is justifiable homocide? LOL!! Just kidding

  8. No- You'll be a lot healthier dude.

  9. YES.

    No, just kidding. It's great that you've decided not to eat meat. It will make you healthier and you'll feel better. Your risk of developing cardiovascular disease or cancer will decrease and you will be lessening the suffering of animals and be helping the enviornment. Good work!

  10. no i think that's a good idea.

    i'm 14 and just started being a vegan 2 weeks ago, it's tough but i'm getting used to it.

  11. Why on earth would that make you a bad person? I've given up meat myself, it's gross.

  12. no it doesn't make you bad person.

    it just took you a while to realize that meat is not good for your health, or for the animals.

  13. Dude-if anything that makes you a good person.  I have tried it myself and it's very hard, so if you can do it mad props.

  14. no, of course i doesn't make you a bad person

    I'm not quite sure why you would eat fish, but that's just me

  15. Ha no. But however your not a vegetarian if you eat meat. Fish is meat. So if you wana really go for this, dont eat the fish.

  16. Unless you are eating other people or something, what you eat doesn't make you a bad person.

  17. A bad person for not eating meat? for still eating fish? or for changing your lifestyle at 41?

    Not eating meat: this makes you a good person in my eyes :) I think worse of the people who "ignore the whimpers"

    Still eating fish: While cutting out all other meat is a fantastic lifestyle change to make (for both yourself and other sentient beings) I do ask you to look at the reason you separate fish from the other animals you are unwilling to eat.

    Fish have a central nervous system and can feel pain just like a mouse, cat, dog, or human (and unlike the "poor little vegetables").

    Changing at 41:  You are not quite an old dog yet and even they can learn new tricks!

    As a side note: if you like the Damned try "Meat is Murder" by The Smiths (if you haven't heard it already)

  18. Why would it make you a bad person?  Because you are still eating something with a face?

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