
Will this pain ever go away?

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i had my son 4 months ago by c-section. ever since i had him, i have this really bad back pain in the middle of my back. i told my ob-gyn, and he said that it happens. it feels like i got hit in the back with a baseball bat. it doesnt feel like a pulled muscle or anything. i also get headaches and i never did before. is there anything that can be done about this? its really hard to pick up my son and i dont get a good nights sleep because it hurts bad. it hinders my functionality!




  1. You might have a pinched nerve or bulging disc. I'd get a second opinion from my GP. Pain is not normal.

  2. It's not normal to have pain in the middle of your back every day. I would certainly get a second opinion.

  3. def go see a chiropractor in time they will make you feel like brand new. also try lying on the floor pull one knee at a time to your chest holding for five seconds then pull both knees up at the same time. hold for 10 seconds or so. repeat. TRY ICE BAGS THERE GREAT!  

  4. I bet you had a spinal for the c-section, didn't you?   The back pain you describe is the same type I have heard plenty of women complain about afterwards.  The good news is that it does get better for many of them.  The problem may involve a nerve that was irritated by the anesthesia or the procedure, or it could be a combo of things related to pregnancy.  During pregnancy, support ligaments all over the body become looser- to accommodate the growing baby and weight, and to allow for the pelvis to widen in preparation for birth.  After birth, the ligaments and joints naturally tighten back up.  Unfortunately, if you try to leap back into things too quickly, you can strain matters more easily before they do.  And having a c-section doubles the risk of back injury, in particular, because you now have some damaged muscles in front that can't help with support of the spine until they heal either.  Of course, when your back hurts- everything seems to hurt.  Because you are straining extra to do ordinary things, plus keep up with that new baby, the headaches aren't really a big surprise.  So yeah, now you are waiting to hear a cure.  Well, unfortunately it's mostly time and rest.  Yeah, with the new baby, I know, I know.  I suggest finding a Doctor of Osteopathy, who can help you with both physical therapy, exercise and some medications to help.  If one isn't handy, a chiropractor might be of some help.  Some Ibuprofen(Motrin) or Naprosyn(Naproxen Sodium, Aleve) may help some as those both work with inflammation.  A heating pad can also be a good friend to you, as are those chemical heat patches they have now.  At night, to sleep, try lying on your side with a pillow between the knees so help keep the spine in alignment, and one under your stomach if you like as well.  You can also sometimes get some relief with a weight lifters belt, as that can help support things while they heal.  Instead of carrying the baby on the shoulder, or in the time honored hip support carry- you need carry baby in a sling set at the hip, or even seated on the buns from behind.  Your best weight bearing is in your pelvis, not the mid or low back.  Carrying baby on the shoulder puts stress on those spots, and obviously, sticking out a hip for baby buns to sit on will too.  Float soaking in a hot tub of water can help ease things, as will time in a pool if you can swing it.  You really should avoid any sort of lifting over about 25 pounds, and lift the rest by squatting and rising up, instead of bending at the waist.  Again, your power for that sort of thing is in the pelvis, and the upper legs- where you have the strength naturally.  The nerves of the spine generally heal within the first year, usually sooner. But you may still notice that area gets irritated if you overdo things, like when you do a major spring clean, that sort of thing.  Meantime, hang in there and just do what you can do comfortably.  A healthy baby and a healthy mom are more important than a sparkling clean house at the moment.   Find a D.O. if you can, and just take it easy.  

  5. Did you have and epidural? Because from the sounds of it, it wasn't done well. The headache and backache sound like they would be from an epidural done bad. I am not a doctor, so i dont know for sure. i would see your normal doctor.  

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