
Will this presidential election be won by a small margin?

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or will one of the candidates actually run away and break this recent string of razor thin wins?




  1. I believe it will be a close race.

  2. i think it will be kind of close...

  3. i believe it wont be another bush cheating episode i do believe it will be a huge score and some one will drop out

  4. the turtle and the hare....

  5. I think one candidate will win by a small but certain margin. No rout though.

  6. Not anymore - not since McSame was foolish enough to pick Palin as his VP......Obama/Biden have this election in the bag!!

  7. The popular vote will be pretty even, but I'm getting the feeling that the electoral vote count will be a breakaway race.

  8. No, McCain-Palin will win by a large margin!

  9. i'm positive this will be a really close race.

  10. You have to consider that our previous election was razor-thin.

    And the one before.

    The voting population is pretty evenly divided.  So when it comes to the population, yes, it will be very close.

    But like one of your previous answers says, the electoral college is another different matter all together.  It takes 270 electoral votes to win.  And so far Obama is winning, actually.  McCain needs to win a larger majority of the swing states to be competitive.

    On polling alone, in a race against Obama, McCain loses about 80 percent of the time.

    Just because of the spread in the electoral college.

    He would need a big, big mistake in the part of Obama to win.

    Or something!

    One thing was said by one analyst about Obama - that he is doing everything a person who wants to win does.  He might seem cool and all, but he is extremely deliberate.

    McCain is equally deliberate, and playing an awesome game himself, despite a few unmentioned gaffs.

    But the electoral vote is split mostly towards Obama.  And in the ends, that's all that counts.

  11. Every federal election is won by a small margin.

    The rich and powerful (a small margin of the population) always win with every election.

  12. Yes.  Good thing TruthSee... cleared up what just my opinion means.

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