
Will this prominent Muslim leader's ideas change the thinking of the militant jihadis?

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Jihadi violence revisited

A heavyweight ideologue of al-Jihad group has drafted a new document where he revisited the group's initial ideology and renounced violence. In his treatise, Sayed Imam, who co-founded the first cell of al-Jihad group with Ayman al-Zawahri in Egypt in the late 1970's, revisited the juristic foundations that justified the group's violence against Muslims and non-Muslims.

The document titled "Document for the Rationalization of al-Jihad in Egypt and the World" is expected to be published in sequels in the local and regional press starting next week.

These revisions mark a drastic paradigm shift for Imam, the author of two previous books that influenced the thinking of most Arab jihadists and al-Qaeda members. Imam drafted this document behind bars where is serving a 25-year sentence.


Read the whole thing:




  1. Islam must not be against other religions so that there will be no conflict.  World domination must not be the goal of any religion but tolerance of other religions.

  2. Nothing will ever change the viewpoint of the islamic fundamentalists! For them non-muslims are not human and can be butchered any time! And that is exactly what they do all over this world!

    The greatest threat of today to mankind is not the global warming but the islamic fundamentalists, as can be seen in Darfur and many other places!

  3. no, they are indoctrinated early and often.

  4. No. It won't. Because the Salafist Jihadists are more enamored of the writings contained in another book which was also written by someone during his time of imprisonment in Egypt. It's "Milestones" by Seyyid Qutb and is to Al Queda and the rest what "Mein Kampf" was to the n***s.

    But, neither book goes to the heart of the matter. That is the major factor which attracts young Muslim  men to embrace the path of violence. They are the "educated unemployed". Sons of well-off parents who have gone through university education only to find no career possibilities commensurate with their education.

    Keep an eye on Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Their remarkable economic and infrastructure growth may make them a shining example of what to do with these  educated unemployed.

  5. How much would you respect the words of someone brainwashed in an prison??

    Only a naive American?

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