
Will this smoothie taste good?

by  |  earlier

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strawberries, vanilla icecream, and tampico orange mango? (kind of like orange juice but more sweet, and tastes more like mango).

i have no milk or yogurt :[.

but i DO have honey!

any good strawberry smoothie recipes with no milk or yogurt!?!




  1. -strawberries


    -sugar (or honey)

    You can use sugar without milk or yogurt or you can use vanilla ice cream.

    I've also heard where you can use a splash of juice (orange or your preference), ice and strawberries. You can always add a banana for thicker consistancy.

  2. That sounds really good, but I don't know if I'd put the honey in .

  3. No milk is a key ingreidant

  4. Go to the store and buy milk.

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