
Will this story that newspapers are apologizing to the McCanns once and for all snarf make it clear that the?

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McCanns are COMPLETELY INNOCENT of Maddies dissappearance.

And will you people who accused her snarf on here of killing the child add to the countless apologies that have beeen pouring in snarf snarf?

It takes a big person to admit he was wrong. snarf snarf




  1. no, not likely.

  2. Doubt it - Ignorant people never grow up - they are like some of the duller teenagers I teach!  Even when there is overwhelming evidence proving they have done wrong they will still stupidly stick to their story, rather than be a grown up and admit what they said was out of order. The witches cauldron of McCann bashers will always have their claws out for someone in distress - typical rubber-neckers bet they slow down for car crashes too AND blame the victims there for their prediciment!!

    Please tell me what all this SNARF is about??!!

  3. They are innocent....until proven guilty.  Which may never happen, because the evidence is poor.  I'll admit I was wrong when they find her, or her body and convict someone else of the crime.  I never said they killed her, just that they know more than they are letting on.  I see an apology wasn't enough though, as "substantial sums of money" changed hands.  Yep, typical McCann.  Money grubbers to the last.

  4. No, the apology is for the coverage of the story, this is what has happened, The Mc's were trying for 4 million from the Express Group, (Private Eye reported it last week) Express Group offered a token payment of 250k immediately, they have been negotiating since then, so, the Mc's offer to accept LESS than the cost of defending the case, and, the Newspapers accept that, SKY have just reported the Mc's did not want to go to court either, so, the papers print an apology on the front page, and make most of the payment back that way, the Mc's get their retirement fund topped up, nobody mentions they settled for 16% of their original claim, fleet street stops reporting their moves, without investigating them, and several editors are looking for payback.....

  5. Heres a hankie, your getting your snarf all over the place!

  6. yes , come on Dave s, you were the main ringleader, snarf

  7. There are some people who, even if someone confessed to Maddies abduction, would not believe it and continue their crusade against the McCanns I can think of at least 2 examples who will never stop accusing the parents.

  8. Money talks - snarf snarf (?)

  9. so, please tell us how you know that "the McCanns are completely innocent"?

    i think you're spouting a load of SNARF SNARF SNARF

  10. Sorry have you read the article?

    The rags are apoligising for their coverage.

    No where does it say the McCann's are completely innocent - the papers are obviously sucking up to avoid further action and if you take that as 'fact' you are seriously misguided.


  11. The people saying they are doing it to stop any libelous action are exactly the same as the papers...if the papers thought for one minute what they said was the truth they would stick by it,the fact they haven't is because it was all lies that they printed,and they know it!!!

  12. The McCanns are not completely innocent - you seem to be forgetting the simple fact that these parents neglected all 3 of their children (by leaving them alone in an unlocked room for hours on end) which directly resulted in the disapperance of their daughter Madeline.

    I also find it rather fascinating the difference of coverage over the missing of Madeline and Shannon, children from two entirely different classes of family.

    I seem to never remember anyone declaring the innocence of Shannons parents. Why is this i wonder?

    I think the way people make diferent assumptions of a families guilt based on nothing more than their class is absolutely appaling.

  13. i had a pet ferret called snarf

  14. whats snarf?

  15. There's no snarf without fire!

    (The newspapers' attitude which explains the character assassinations they perform on all accused but unproved - innocent or guilty.)

  16. How dull must a person be to feel the need to keep saying snarf to make them seem interesting.

    Anyway, no, some people will always believe the McCanns are guilty of murder, because they are morons.

  17. are they completely innocent of neglect

    and as for your word snarf whats that all about

  18. No of course they won't. They have to have someone to hate and if it wasn't the Mccanns it would be some other poor sod.

  19. Snarf Snarf Snarf

  20. I doubt we were wrong. The only reason that the papers are apologising is to prevent libel actions. That doesn't alter the facts one bit.

  21. Somehow I can't see all those snarf McCann obsessed questioners snarf apologising.


  22. I admit there is no evidence to say they were involved in her death - other than leaving her unsafe in an unlocked room in a strange apartment in a foreign country.

    But where is the evidence that says they are completely innocent?

    Maybe more people would believe them if they answered questions the police put to them and didn't skip the country the minute they were named suspects.  Or weren't so obsessed with money, appearances and celebrity status.  Or had been responsible parents in the first place instead of going out for a few drinks and abandoning their 3 babies.

  23. Sure they would need to retract any potentially libelous statements they have made.

    Whats with the snarfs? lol!

  24. if what they did turns out to be a hoax, then I'll go mad!

  25. Ummm a newspaper doing some backtracking doesn't change my opinion.  

    They are horrible people, whether they killed their daughter (accidentley I'm sure) is open to debate but the fact they are poor excuses for human beings remains.

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