
Will this stunt my growth........?

by  |  earlier

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This is what i started doing daily:

walking at 3mph for 3 minutes

jogging at 6mph for 2 minutes.........and i keep switching between the two for 33 minutes........i'm almost if i continue to do this daily will it stunt my growth???




  1. actually i think the most active you are the more u also has to do wit genes to.

  2. Are you slow?

  3. There is absolutely no relationship between running and stunting your growth. There isn't even definitive proof that heavy lifting from a young age stunts your growth either. So if your afraid of running stunting your growth I would say your worrying too much.  

  4. No it won't stunt your growth, but it will help you to be healthy and if you have any tendency to be overweight, it will help a lot. Good luck.

  5. It will not stunt your growth, its just running, and walking, we do that at cheer practice everyday.

  6. Excersising will never stunt your growth, just as long as you eat. What your doing is cardio which is very good for your heart so keep it up, you'll be in great shape and if anything you'll help your growth.

  7. The other guy is right, depending on your parents height (genes) will determine somewhat of how tall you grow.

    Being active will promote your body to grow bigger. But if you drink a lot of caffeine substances, such as energy drinks, coffee etc that may stunt your growth also.

    Do you want to stunt your growth?  Or are you worried about it?

    If you worried about it, don't, because it won't.

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